
News Articles by J.D. Greear

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FIRST-PERSON: Dr. King’s mountaintop

Just as Martin Luther King Jr. envisioned a day of racial harmony, J.D. Greear calls Christians to pray for the courage to speak and live a similar "counter-cultural, racially diverse, bold and unified faith."

SANCTITY OF LIFE: Beware the distractions

WASHINGTON (BP) -- Tomorrow in our nation's capital, thousands upon thousands of people will participate in the March for Life, the largest pro-life rally in the world. The march is built on the conviction that unborn babies are made in the image of God and, as such, they deserve the rights God has given to all people. The conversation about abortion really should hinge on one question: Are the unborn human or not? If so, then the reasoning behind the pro-choice cause falls apart. The arguments become "red herrings" -- distractions that aren't relevant to the issue at hand.

CHRISTMAS: Mary’s extraordinary case of God’s favor

DURHAM, N.C. (BP) -- What do we mean when we talk about the "favor of God?" The house you've always wanted goes into foreclosure and you buy it for a steal. Your kids bring their report cards home and it's straight A's. You find out that a long lost relative left you a tidy sum of money. Many people may think that God's favor is something like that. When life seems to break your way, it's easy to think, "God is really smiling down on me now. He must really love me."

Lottie Moon Offering: celebration & challenge

J.D. Greear calls Southern Baptists to seek more than we've "asked or imagined" for global outreach through the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions.

Who’s Your One?

On any given weekend, more than five million Southern Baptists gather to worship around the country. Can you imagine the impact if every one of them asked God each day to let him or her lead one person to Christ next year?

FIRST-PERSON: If you’re not dead, God’s not done

People who are harmed by the sins of others, or afflicted by their own sins, aren't disqualified from God's ultimate plan for their lives, J.D. Greear writes.

FIRST-PERSON: An evangelism ethos

J.D. Greear sets forth key ways the church he leads has nurtured a climate for leading people to faith in Christ, beginning with a reliance on the Holy Spirit.

FIRST-PERSON: Humility & hope for the SBC

"The grace of God is overwhelming and overflowing," J.D. Greear, the new president of the Southern Baptist Convention, writes, "but we must never take it for granted."

FIRST-PERSON: You don’t reap what you sow; you reap more

There's more to the old adage, "You reap what you sow," J.D. Greear points out, noting that "what comes back to you is always greater than what you sowed" -- for good or bad.

FIRST-PERSON: Believing is seeing

J.D. Greear notes that the beauty displayed in Jesus' life was "so glorious, so unique, so otherworldly that we know it has to be God." Experiencing His love "will take your questions and turn them into trust."