Patterson explores link between evangelism & Bible prophecy
NEW ORLEANS (BP)–Speaking on “Evangelism and Bible Prophecy,” Paige Patterson said the “two have not been properly wed in the past,” during the Sept. 28-29 Mid-South Pastors’ Conference at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary’s Leavell Center for Evangelism and Church Growth. Patterson, president of the Southern Baptist Convention and of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake […]
New congregation in Maine sparked by links to NOBTS
NEW ORLEANS (BP)–The area covers approximately 33,000 square miles. The 1.2 million inhabitants of the timberlands speak more than 100 different languages, especially near the coast where seafood, particularly lobster, is the primary export to the world. Within the boundaries of this territory, there are a mere 15 Southern Baptist churches to reach the population, […]
Church’s youth form bond with inner-city New Orleans
NEW ORLEANS (BP)–The youth group felt a bit uneasy about the new surroundings into which they had just been released. They huddled together in groups of four or five, moving from house to house, praying quietly as the loud music thumped away in the background. Their first experience with a wake was one that they […]
Campus living memorial of 2 trees celebrates couple’s 50-year marriag
NEW ORLEANS (BP)–The five adult children of Norman and Viola Lovegren wanted to do “something unique” to commemorate their parents’ golden anniversary and the determination it takes to make 50 years of marriage work. Through e-mails, faxes and telephone calls, “the kids” connected from points across the country and secretly devised a plan to make […]
700 show up for block party in inner-city neighborhood
NEW ORLEANS (BP)–Students, faculty and staff of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary joined forces with inner-city Elysian Fields Avenue Baptist Church to offer an evangelistic block party in the heart of one of New Orleans’ highest crime neighborhoods, the corner of North Rocheblave and St. Roch. Although this section of New Orleans is infamous for […]
Week’s emphasis urges ministers to consider church-planting careers
NEW ORLEANS (BP)–“There are few things in our life that are worth our life. The one thing that is worth our life is the kingdom of God,” said a veteran church planter. Scott Weatherford, pastor of Parkway Baptist Church, Victoria, Texas, challenged students at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary to be kingdom-minded, not career-focused, when […]
Seminary hosts FAITH clinic; new youth materials introduced
NEW ORLEANS (BP)–Christians should serve as roadblocks for those on the road to hell, said Bobby Welch, pastor of the church that originated the strategy that now has become the nationally used FAITH Sunday school evangelism materials. “People are going to hell in epidemic proportions,” Welch said, “but most church members don’t know how to […]