
News Articles by John Yeats

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FIRST-PERSON: People, churches, stewardship & CP

In stewardship, Missouri Baptist executive director John Yeats writes, "we are individually and collectively engaged in something much greater than ourselves." Southern Baptists' Cooperative Program "gives our churches the methodology to advance the Kingdom of our God for generations and for people who live here and over there," Yeats writes.

FIRST-PERSON: Finishing well

John Yeats, executive director of the Missouri Baptist Convention, relays counsel for finishing well, whether it's a year, a career or a life.

FIRST-PERSON: Baptists & the gay issue

Scripture is guiding Southern Baptists through today's cultural upheaval, Missouri leader John Yeats writes. In view of Baptists' various ministries to people in need and in times of disaster, Yeats writes, "do not mistake our compassion for people as acquiescence of our biblical convictions."

FIRST-PERSON: Winter weather & adventurous faith

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (BP) -- Looking out the window the first week of January, I watched as the snow and swirling wind around the house created an eerie scene. It was so cold that even the young at heart exercised caution. Some of our churches suspended Sunday worship.

FIRST-PERSON: What the Supremes can never change

Despite disappointing rulings by the U.S. Supreme Court, Missouri Baptist leader John Yeats identifies eight things the justices will never have the authority to change.

FIRST-PERSON: 7 functions of state conventions

Columnist John Yeats explains seven main functions of Southern Baptist state conventions, from strengthening churches to shining the light in the public square.

FIRST-PERSON: 7 functions of state conventions

Columnist John Yeats explains seven main functions of Southern Baptist state conventions, from strengthening churches to shining the light in the public square.

FIRST-PERSON: The need for cooperative missions

Columnist and Missouri executive John Yeats discusses the need for cooperative missions and urges: "Let's approach our cooperative mission giving with the passion of someone rescuing a soul from an eternity of separation from God who loves."

FIRST-PERSON: The need for cooperative missions

Columnist and Missouri executive John Yeats discusses the need for cooperative missions and urges: "Let's approach our cooperative mission giving with the passion of someone rescuing a soul from an eternity of separation from God who loves."

FIRST-PERSON: America’s moral fabric is ripped

Columnist John Yeats says the prostitution scandal involving the Secret Service, as well as the media's slanted reporting of it, are a sign that America is a "nation in trouble." The immorality of the conduct, Yeats says, rarely was mentioned.