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Kevin D. Kennedy

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ANALYSIS: Back alleys & coat hangers

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (BP) -- Advocates of abortion have succeeded -- perhaps unknowingly -- in a return, in essence, to "back alley abortions" and "rusty coat hangers." Today's Supreme Court decision striking down state regulations for abortion doctors and abortion clinics reflects a striking relationship to the long rhetorical history of the abortion debate. According to abortion advocates, if abortions are no longer "safe and legal" (to ...

FIRST-PERSON: Did God employ death in creation?

"The theory of evolution has taken root in the modern mind to the extent that to question it, one seems to be questioning science itself," writes research scholar Kevin Kennedy. "However, as a theologian and philosopher, I later came to see that the theory of evolution was based upon one major flaw."

Suicide stats prompt call for ministry

NASHVILLE (BP) -- With the U.S. suicide rate increasing 24 percent over the past 15 years according to data from the National Center for Health Statistics, mental health experts have called pastors to prepare for ministry to suicidal individuals. While a pastor need not mention mental health issues every week from the pulpit, "a bit of regular exposure to such human realities has a way of breaking down the walls of shame and secrecy," Tony Rose, pastor of LaGrange (Ky.) Baptist Church, told Baptist Press. Rose also served as chairman of Mental Health Advisory Council, appointed by Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee President Frank S. Page.

FIRST-PERSON: One reason I believe the Scriptures are inerrant

Professor and columnist Kevin Kennedy discusses his view of inerrancy, looking back on an absurd moment when he was in seminary and a professor claimed Matthew and Luke were filled with errors because of supposed different birth accounts.

FIRST-PERSON: Lessons from the lemur

FORT WORTH, Texas (BP)--On a recent Sunday evening after church my wife and I settled in for the evening and began watching a nature program on television titled "Born Wild: The First Few Days of Life."