Evangelicals & Catholics session features Neuhaus, Gros, George
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (BP)--Three noted theologians, who have worked together on Evangelicals and Catholics Together (ECT) documents and as individuals on the topic of unity, shared thoughts and clarified the message of ECT Oct. 2 at Samford University in Birmingham, Ala.
Peggy Wehmeyer seeks to translate between news media & religious life
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (BP)--Many of the most important issues affecting people today are moral and religious issues, ABC News religion correspondent Peggy Wehmeyer told a Samford University audience May 11.
10/21/97 4 Baptist academicians air views of Calvinism
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (BP)–Four Baptist academicians amplified their views of Calvinism in an Oct. 15 dialogue at Samford University, Birmingham, Ala. “If the gospel is so good, so beneficial, why do some people, perhaps a majority, not accept it?” asked Wake Forest University divinity school dean Bill J. Leonard in his opening remarks. Calvinists, named for […]