Planned Parenthood’s ‘attack arm’ targets pro-life candidates
WASHINGTON (BP)--If this year's Republican primary for Illinois governor was any indication, pro-life candidates across the nation can expect an onslaught of media attacks from the political action committees affiliated with the pro-abortion Planned Parenthood Federation of America, reported.
Homosexual group targets schools for ‘Day of Silence’ campaign
WASHINGTON (BP)--School kids across America may have their first encounter with homosexuality April 10 and there's little parents or teachers can to do stop it from happening, reported April 8.
Upward Basketball now in 35 states
WASHINGTON (BP)--Young athletes across the country are taking their game to a higher level with a Christian-based ministry that uses basketball as a tool to spread the gospel. And while this private youth league for kids in grades one through six claims to be multi-faith, the Christian message is central.