
Articulos en Español by Natalie Sarrett

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As crisis continues in India, Send Relief brings aid to those in need

Kiara and Aayush, an elderly couple living in a rural region of India, had already been ostracized from their community for being believers. There, on the top of a hill in an extremely remote village, they were forced to bear alone the weight of losing their 36-year-old son to COVID-19 complications.

Send Relief y las iglesias extendiendo la mano en el amor en la frontera

BROWNSVILLE, Texas (BP) - El pastor Olber Roblero vive a seis kilómetros de la frontera de Estados Unidos con México. Puede ver la cerca desde la ventana de su sala.

Send Relief, churches reaching out in love on the border

BROWNSVILLE, Texas (BP) – Pastor Olber Roblero lives four miles from the U.S. border with Mexico. He can see the fence from his living room window.

Los bautistas del sur continúan respondiendo a la devastadora tormenta de invierno en Texas

Los bautistas del sur están ayudando a las víctimas de una tormenta invernal inusual y desastrosa en Texas, donde casi medio millón de residentes aún no tienen electricidad o agua debido a tuberías congeladas y rotas.

Southern Baptists continue to respond to devastating winter storm in Texas

Southern Baptists are helping victims of an unusual and disastrous winter storm in Texas, where nearly half a million residents are still without electricity or have no water because of frozen and burst pipes.

Food Deserts in the Slums of São Paulo

When the COVID-19 pandemic brought Brazil’s economy to a screeching halt, the already impoverished were the ones most affected by the sudden loss of income.

Southern Baptists Respond to Hurricane Dorian

Southern Baptists are still doing the hard work of helping rehabilitate the Bahamas after the devastation of Hurricane Dorian.