8 entity heads field messenger questions
DALLAS (BP) -- Questions were posed to eight Southern Baptist Convention entity presidents during time allotted for messengers' questions during the leaders' respective reports at the June 12-13 SBC annual meeting in Dallas. Following are accounts of the entity presidents' responses. Not all entity presidents were asked questions. Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission
5 entity heads field messenger questions
Questions were posed to five Southern Baptist Convention entity presidents during time allotted for messengers' questions during the leaders' respective reports at the June 13-14 SBC annual meeting in Phoenix.
Pastors’ Conf.: H.B. Charles Jr. elected president
The 2017 SBC Pastors' Conference proved historic on many levels including the unanimous election of H.B. Charles Jr., pastor of Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Fla., as the conference's first black president.
Common Ground: Pastors share testimonies, advice
PHOENIX (BP) -- Fred Luter, pastor of Franklin Avenue Baptist Church in New Orleans, said he began his ministry as a street preacher who didn't know anything about the Southern Baptist Convention. Luter, a former SBC president, was one of four pastors who gave a "Common Ground Testimony" to encourage those in ministry during the SBC Pastors' Conference meeting in Phoenix June 11-12.
Study of Philippians pervades Pastors’ Conf.
Encouraging and edifying pastors via the preaching of expository messages from the book of Philippians, the 2017 Southern Baptist Convention Pastors' Conference kicked off Sunday (June 11) at the Phoenix Convention Center.