Lead On Podcast

Steve Nelson

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John, his elderly grandmother & the SBC World Hunger Fund

      NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--Twelve-year-old John spent his days helping his family struggle to survive on their small farm in Uganda. Life was hard for John, but a tragic turn of events would make it harder.
      Neighboring Karamajong had a practice of raiding other tribes, stealing livestock, destroying property and injuring or killing those in their path. The night when John fled as Karamajong marauders swarmed over his tiny village, he had no idea how his world would change.
      When he returned the next morning, John discovered that his parents and brother had been killed and their home and possessions destroyed. Only John and his elderly grandmother survived. They knew it was dangerous to stay at the burned-out village, so the pair set out to find help.

Food for war-weary Ugandan villagers provided by SBC World Hunger Fund

KATAKWI, Uganda (BP)--It is a world few Westerners can imagine. Incidents of rape, pillage and murder at the hands of a warring tribal group known as the Kiramajong (keer-ah-mah-jong) are commonplace these days in four provinces of northern Uganda.