
Trey Graham

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FIRST-PERSON: Which way are you going this Christmas?

MELISSA, Texas (BP)--Daniel Boone and David Crockett remain legendary figures in American history because of their explorations and discoveries along the western frontier of the United States. These two men, both famous in western folklore, have been called the greatest hunter heroes of our nation. People often confuse the two men with each other; they lived similar yet very distinct lives. Their distinction lies in the impact they each had on the development of American civilization.

FIRST-PERSON: Thanksgiving -– a lifestyle, not a holiday

MELISSA, Texas (BP)--Each year in America, the president of the United States proclaims the fourth Thursday in November as Thanksgiving Day. The citizens of this nation are called upon by the president to thank God for His divine protection and leadership for the past year and to look forward to what God will do in the coming year. We celebrate Thanksgiving each November to show our gratitude for the many blessings that God has bestowed upon our nation.

FIRST-PERSON: Prop. 2 passed — now what?

MELISSA, Texas. (BP)--By going to the voting booth, the citizens of Texas have spoken. On Nov. 8, Proposition 2 passed by a margin of more than 3-to-1, adding an amendment to the Texas Constitution that explicitly defines marriage in our state as only between one man and one woman.

FIRST-PERSON: Katrina’s lessons – so far

MELISSA, Texas. (BP)--Millions of Americans must now change their daily practices because a major hurricane hit our nation’s Gulf Coast. Thousands are without homes and jobs, many lives were lost, and it will take years to rebuild. Stories of both sorrow and joy have filled our airwaves since the storm began. All of us have been affected by this tragedy.

FIRST-PERSON: Stepping down to help others up

MELISSA, Texas (BP)--John Quincy Adams, the son of President John Adams, was elected the sixth president of the United States in 1824, after serving as an ambassador, senator and secretary of state. After his first term as president, he ran for re-election but was defeated by Andrew Jackson.

FIRST-PERSON: Knowing the most but trusting the least

MELISSA, Texas (BP)--Too often, as our knowledge of God grows, our dependence upon Him decreases. Kind of depressing, isn't it? As we learn the facts about God, we tend to lose the faith in God.

FIRST-PERSON: The need for Father

MELISSA, Texas (BP)--As a dad, I admit that I have a lot to learn. Approaching this Father’s Day, I began to think about the parenting lessons I have learned thus far. The most important thing I have learned is that my four children really do need their father.

FIRST-PERSON: Voting with your life

MELISSA, Texas (BP)--Are you a difference maker? Are the people around you aware of your positions on important issues?

FIRST-PERSON: There’s more to life than stuff

MELISSA, Texas (BP)--After spending one evening cleaning out a room at a home for the elderly (we call them "assisted-living quarters" in our world of political correctness), I felt obliged to ask God, "What is life anyway?" Amidst all the boxes, newspapers, walkers and wheelchairs, one entire life's worth of thoughts, experiences, hopes, dreams and fears were contained in a 10-by-12-foot room.

FIRST-PERSON: Graduation day’s new start

MELISSA, Texas (BP)--May, the month of dreams, the month of new beginnings for students across America, is now upon us.