District appeals cheerleader-Scripture ruling
KOUNTZE, Texas (BP) -- Just when a group of Texas high school cheerleaders thought their fight for free speech was over, their school district decided to go on offense.
Judge: cheerleaders can put Scripture on signs
KOUNTZE, Texas (BP) — After nearly eight months on defense, cheerleaders at a Southeast Texas high school can get back to pumping up their football team — and if they want to use a Bible verse on a banner to do it, they have every right. Texas state district Judge Steve Thomas has ruled that […]
Christians win & lose European religious cases
WASHINGTON (BP) — Religious freedom is a right, but not without limits, Europe’s top human rights court said in mid-January after issuing two religious liberty rulings. In the first case, the court ruled Jan. 15 that British Airways (BA) discriminated against a Christian employee by making her remove her crucifix. But in the second case, […]