
2001 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

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FIRST-PERSON: Franklin Graham: a good balance between charity & plain speaking

EVANSTON, Ill. (BP)--Along with other media types, those in the publishing industry speak of edge. Some magazines have it; some don't.

Volunteers cleaning apartments, easing burdens near ground zero

NEW YORK CITY (BP)--Marchieta Young saw both planes hit the World Trade Center the morning of Sept. 11 from her 28th-floor apartment directly across the street. She and her daughter escaped unharmed, but over a month later when they were allowed to return she faced the emotionally draining issue of how to deal with the thick layer of dust and ash covering their most personal possessions.

Child-care volunteers make impact on youngest victims of attack

JERSEY CITY, N.J. (BP)--"Did you know my daddy's castle fell down?" the 7-year-old boy asked Judy Freeman, a Southern Baptist Disaster Relief volunteer from Westchester, Ohio. "My daddy was in his castle and he died."

Land, Reccord, others ask Bush to proclaim day of reconciliation

WASHINGTON (BP)--Southern Baptist Convention entity heads Richard Land and Robert Reccord have joined other evangelical leaders in asking President Bush to declare Nov. 21 as a National Day of Reconciliation.

Graham stands by statement calling Islam ‘wicked, violent’

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (BP)--Evangelist Franklin Graham is not backing away from his statements aired on a national news program that Islam is "wicked, violent and not of the same god."

Terrorist attacks buffet National Quartet Convention

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (BP)--The 2001 National Quartet Convention began on Sept. 10 and, on Sept. 11, it became a gathering they will never forget.

Rescued aid workers say they owe their lives to Jesus

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (BP)--Two days after their rescue from Afghanistan by American military helicopters, two Baylor University graduates celebrated their freedom at a news conference, thanked American troops for their "Hollywood rescue" and said they believed they owed their lives to Jesus Christ.

Senate approves assembly on Day of Reconciliation

WASHINGTON (BP)--The U.S. Senate has adopted a resolution establishing a National Day of Reconciliation to be observed with an event in the Capitol shortly after Thanksgiving.

Dayna Curry & Heather Mercer’s freedom celebrated by president, intercessors

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (BP)--"Today we've got incredibly good news," President George W. Bush said in an impromptu news conference Nov. 15, interrupting a dinner with Russian President Vladimir Putin at Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas.

Home congregation celebrates release of Curry & Mercer

WACO, Texas (BP)--Weeping, uplifted hands, dancing and shouting at an Antioch Community Church worship service may not surprise most people, but the energy present in the Nov. 14 worship service to celebrate the release of Dayna Curry and Heather Mercer could have made a lame man do more than walk.