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2006 SBC Annual Meeting News

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Vision of lost nations leaves lasting impression on messengers

GREENSBORO, N.C. (BP)--It was a moment that impacted thousands for the Kingdom.

Dever: Preach Gospel to all people; ‘trust God with the results’

GREENSBORO, N.C. (BP)--A passion for the glory of God and compassion for people must compel Christians to preach the Gospel to all persons, Mark Dever told more than 300 people June 13 at the annual breakfast sponsored by Founders Ministries, a Reformed theology fellowship of Southern Baptists.

Rankin addresses COSBE, focuses on Acts 1:8 mandate

GREENSBORO, N.C. (BP)--Southern Baptists should embrace all four dimensions of Acts 1:8 -- taking the Gospel both locally and internationally -- International Mission Board President Jerry Rankin told members of the Conference of Southern Baptist Evangelists in Greensboro, N.C., June 10 during their annual retreat.

Founder of prison-related outreach honored by WMU

GREENSBORO, N.C. (BP)--Woman’s Missionary Union and the WMU Foundation June 12 honored Eileen Mullins, of Kentucky, with the Dellanna West O’Brien Award for Women’s Leadership Development during the annual WMU missions celebration.

Fla. woman devoted to missions receives Myers award

GREENSBORO, N.C. (BP)--Jacqueline Draughon of Graceville, Fla., was honored as the third recipient of the Dr. Martha Myers GA Alumna of Distinction Award during the Woman Missionary Union’s annual missions celebration June 11.

Grits and giving: IMB thanks top Lottie Moon churches in ‘05

"We just want to thank you."
IMB President Jerry Rankin
on record LMCO giving
GREENSBORO, N.C. (BP)--Hot eggs, bacon, biscuits and grits greeted dozens of Southern Baptist messengers June 14 in Greensboro, N.C., at the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering Celebration Breakfast.
      Hosted by the International Mission Board, the breakfast is a way to thank churches for their faithful support of the Lottie Moon offering, every penny of which is used to support more than 5,000 IMB missionaries. Though 2005’s offering set a record, IMB President Jerry Rankin opened the event with a solemn reminder.

‘Christian life is fun,’ volunteer demonstrates at block party

ASHEBORO, N.C. (BP)--The soft melodies of Christian music sung in Spanish and the smell of Southern barbecue drifted through the air at South Asheboro Middle School on June 10, kicking off a block party as part of Crossover Triad preceding the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting in Greensboro, N.C.

SBC Parliamentarian McCarty reflects on 2 decades of service

GREENSBORO, N.C. (BP)--For two decades, Barry McCarty has served the Southern Baptist Convention as a certified, professional parliamentarian. He became a parliamentarian midway through the conservative resurgence. Every SBC president along the way, he said, has told him, “Help me do the right thing. I want to be fair."

Cowboy Stampede festivities lead to 30 professions of faith

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Cowboy missionary Jeff Smith of Midland, N.C., preaches to a crowd of more than 1,000 people at a June 10 rodeo in Archdale, N.C. Smith is a member of the Cowboy Church Network of North America. Photo by Jonathan Blair
ARCHDALE, N.C. (BP)-–A man wearing a red cowboy shirt, dark jeans, brown boots and a beige cowboy hat stepped into the middle of the freshly-graded dirt at Triad Livestock Arena in Archdale in North Carolina’s Piedmont Triad of Greensboro, Winston-Salem and High Point.
      “Hey folks. Are y’all ready to rumble?” Jeff Smith asked the crowd of about 1,000, who responded with a loud yell.
      As “Let’s Get Ready to Rumble” played over the arena’s speakers, a group of cowboys and cowgirls rode into the ring on horseback to pump up the crowd for the Cowboy Stampede.
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“Red Hot” takes Triad-area bull rider Terry Owens for a wild ride during a June 10 rodeo in Archdale, N.C., sponsored by Triad Cowboy Church. Owens was the only one of 10 riders who stayed on his bull for the required eight seconds. Photo by Jonathan Blair.
The June 10 event was one of dozens during Crossover Triad preceding the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention June 13-14 in Greensboro.
      The stampede showcased the talent of cowboys and cowgirls from across North Carolina. And, later, the same cowboy who had stepped into the arena to begin the show grabbed his Bible and gave a message.
      “This sort of thing draws people in,” said Jay Willard, one of the event’s organizers. “They see an event like this put on by Christians and it’s a good influence. It’s good for them to see that Christians can have a good time too.”
      Smith, of the Cowboy Church Network of North America in Midland, N.C., has assisted in the incorporation of cowboy churches across the country.

Seven churches, some without pastors, unite for cause of Christ

SEAGROVE, N.C. (BP)--It was a family reunion of sorts.