
2011: Bible Storying

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BIBLE STORYING, Article 5: limitations of Bible storying

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the fifth in a series of 10 articles on Bible Storying being published by Baptist Press and Baptist Press en Español. The series, which is appearing each week in BP and BP en Español (www.bpnews.net/espanol), is adapted from the book, “A Bible Storying Model” by J.O. Terry. To access the BP […]

NARRATIVA BÍBLICA ARTÍCULO 5: Limitaciones de la Narrativa

NOTA DEL EDITOR: Baptist Press continua hoy una serie de 10 artículos sobre la narración de historias de la Biblia, que aparecen cada viernes, adaptados del libro: “A Bible Storying Model,” (Un modelo de la narración de historias de la Biblia) de J.O. Terry. Para ver los archivos de Baptist Press sobre la serie, vaya […]

LA NARRATIVA BÍBLICA: Forma centenaria de arte ayuda a las mujeres a transmitir el evangelio

EAST AFRICA (BP)--Ella exprime el cono de pasta dorada verdosa y una pequeña cantidad, guiada por el movimiento de sus dedos, le da los toques finales al dibujo de un pez. Mina Rowland*, enfocada en la mano que tiene al frente de ella, dibuja la historia bíblica de Jesús y la alimentación de los 5,000 con dos pescados y cinco panes. La sesión narrativa es una de las cientos de ese tipo que Mina ha guiado a través de África y Asia del sur.

NARRATIVA BIBLICA Artículo 4: Lista de Narrativas Bíblicas Esenciales

FORT WORTH, Texas (BP)--1. Cómo llegamos a tener la Palabra de Dios. (No es una historia base pero con algunos grupos esta historia es buena para introducir que la Biblia es nuestra fuente de autoridad.).

BIBLE STORYING: Its place in church & personal discipleship

EDITOR’S NOTE: The following two stories, first carried by Baptist Press on May 12, 2010, report on a conference at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary in which Bible Storying was presented as a discipleship method for church-based small groups. NEW ORLEANS (BP)–Keith Strasburger skillfully conveyed Jesus’ story of the prodigal son to the small group […]

BIBLE STORYING (part 4): Core Bible story list

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the fourth in a series of 10 articles on Bible Storying being published by Baptist Press and Baptist Press en Español. The series, which is appearing each week in BP and BP en Español (www.bpnews.net/espanol), is adapted from the book, “A Bible Storying Model” by J.O. Terry. To access the BP […]

BIBLE STORYING, Article 3: Bible truths leading to salvation

FORT WORTH, Texas (BP)--In the previous article in this series, we presented barriers and bridges to the Gospel based on the book, "A Bible Storying Model" by J.O. Terry. In this article we want to focus on basic Bible truths.

BIBLE STORYING: Ancient art form helps relay the Gospel

EAST AFRICA (BP)--She squeezes the cone of greenish-gold paste and a small amount, guided by the movement of her fingers, forms the finishing touches of a fish drawing. Mina Rowland*, focusing on the hand in front of her, is drawing the Bible story about Jesus feeding 5,000 people with two fish and five loaves of bread. This storytelling session is one of hundreds of such gatherings Rowland has led throughout Africa and South Asia. Earlier in the evening Rowland, a Christian believer working in eastern Africa at the time, told the story to the 12 women gathered at her home. The women eagerly listened to the story and begged Rowland to draw the story on their hands using the paste called henna. Once dried, the henna creates a temporary drawing that stays on the skin for several weeks. Believers throughout Africa, South Asia and the Middle East are combining oral Bible storytelling and henna to share the Gospel. Henna is a significant part of these cultures, in which women draw beautiful designs on their hands and feet for special occasions such as weddings. Henna is a plant used to dye skin, hair, fingernails, leather or wool. It is commercially cultivated in various countries, including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iran and Yemen. To be used as a dye, the leaves are ground and sifted to make a fine powder which is added to lemon juice or strong tea to make a paste. The paste is then used for application on the skin. Ameena*, an 18-year-old in eastern Africa, met with Rowland during the course of a few months to learn new stories and drawings. When Rowland first started sharing the stories of Jesus, Ameena was unsure in her faith. Now, she says, "Jesus completes me and I want to start a henna group." Once Ameena learns a new story, she'll share with her neighbors as she draws the story on their hands. Oral storytelling -- the weaving together of the memories and lessons of life -- is the primary form of education throughout much of the world. In New Testament times, Jesus taught the people orally, using primarily stories and parables. Many stories in the Bible contain visual symbols that can easily be incorporated into henna drawings in an art form that's been passed down for centuries.

La Narrativa Bíblica Artículo 3: Verdades Bíblicas

NOTA DEL EDITOR: Baptist Press continua hoy una serie de 10 artículos sobre la narración de historias de la Biblia, que aparecen cada viernes, adaptados del libro: “A Bible Storying Model,” (Un modelo de la narración de historias de la Biblia) de J.O. Terry. Para ver los archivos de Baptist Press sobre la serie, vaya […]

BIBLE STORYING: Not just for the mission field

EDITOR’S NOTE: The following story on Avery Willis, a key advocate of Bible Storying until his death on July 30, 2010, at age 76, appeared in Baptist Press on April 10, 2010. NEW ORLEANS (BP)–Avery Willis, retired senior vice president of the International Mission Board and founder of the International Orality Network, was diagnosed with […]