
2019 Lottie Moon Christmas Offering

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Lottie Moon Christmas Offering

Your church has a vital role to play in reaching every nation. The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering is a critical part of that.

Arkansas Church Sees Lottie Moon Dollars at Work Among Syrian Refugees

Arkansas church members partner with IMB field personnel whose lives are spent sharing Jesus with those who have little to nothing.

Coworkers in Mission

At the IMB, we believe that every church, regardless of its location, size, or resources, has a part to play in reaching the nations with the Gospel. And the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering is one way—a vital way—your church can engage and reach the unreached.

2017-18 Lottie Moon offering nears $159 million

RICHMOND, Va. (BP) -- In the 100th anniversary since Southern Baptists named their global mission offering in honor of esteemed missionary Lottie Moon, churches gave $158.9 million to sustain their international missionaries worldwide -- the second-highest Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions ever received. "We praise the Lord and thank Southern Baptist churches who have again generously demonstrated their faithfulness in undergirding the spread of the gospel to the ends of the earth," said Clyde Meador, interim president of the International Mission Board. With the books on the offering closing Sept. 30, the 2017-18 Lottie Moon offering neared the national goal of $160 million.

Lottie Moon gifts $5M ahead of last year

RICHMOND, Va. (BP) -- Southern Baptists' contributions to support international missions through the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering are 3.75 percent ahead of the May 2017 offering totals, according to a report by Rodney Freeman, IMB treasurer and vice president of support services. At the end of May, IMB had received $142,683,654 so far for the 2017-2018 campaign, which began Oct. 1 and ends Sept. 30. This total is $5,161,874 (3.75 percent) ahead of last year's LMCO receipts to support Southern Baptists' 3,551 international missionaries.

Church imparts a heart for missions to its young

UNION, S.C. (BP) -- After Myra Middlebrook's mother died in 2010, she found some money her mom had tucked away -- and she knew exactly what it was. "I knew it was her Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for that year," Middlebrook said. "She put money away all year for missions. She always had." For the years that her mother worked, she squirrelled away a portion of her income in a jar each month. Then after she retired, she began a quilting business and gave a 10th of the profits to the annual offering, which goes to fund the work of International Mission Board missionaries overseas.

A Legacy of Missions Giving

Missions is personal to the members of Mon-Aetna Baptist Church.

A ‘Thank You’ for Your Church’s Eternal Impact

Your church’s giving through the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® has made an eternal difference.

Teen’s witness continues with memorial gift to IMB

RICHMOND, Va. (BP) -- The Christian witness that Sarah Harmening shared in her short 17 years of life on this earth will continue to reverberate for eternity through a generous memorial gift presented by her family to the International Mission Board. The Alabama teen's parents, Karen and Scott Harmening -- along with their three other daughters, Katelyn, Kristen and Sophie -- presented a check for $91,120 to the IMB on Wednesday (Oct. 25). "This is what was donated and raised in honor of Sarah, her life and legacy. So we're excited to bring the check for $91,120, all for [the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions (LMCO)]," Scott said as he presented the check to David Platt, IMB president.