Lead On Podcast

David Platt

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A ‘Thank You’ for Your Church’s Eternal Impact

Your church’s giving through the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® has made an eternal difference.

FIRST-PERSON: Every church’s task

A church's ministry to its people and its community, David Platt writes, is a key part of its global mission -- "that one day all peoples in all the world receive the Gospel of God and revere the glory of God."

How Giving in Your Church Resounds God’s Glory

God’s Word shows us why giving together makes sense—and, even more, how giving in your church is resounding to God’s glory around the world.

Platt: How giving in your church resounds God’s glory

RICHMOND, Va. (BP) -- If you are reading this article, you are likely a part of one of more than 46,000 churches the International Mission Board partners with to spread the Gospel around the world, particularly among people who have never heard the Gospel. That's a pretty awesome thought: you and your church are joined with 46,000 other churches who say, "Together we want to get the Gospel to every person and group of people on the planet." And the primary way we do that together is by sending and supporting missionaries all over the world.

FIRST-PERSON: Cleansed & called

David Platt, president of the International Mission Board, underscores an "indescribably urgent mission": to tell of an "incomprehensibly glorious God" who has given sinfully lost people a merciful Savior.

Platt: Why every Christian should say ‘I will’

International Mission Board President David Platt says seeking out the unreached is so urgent, it deserves more than our spare time and leftover resources. Nov. 29-Dec. 6 is this year's Week of Prayer for International Missions.

IMB Moving Ahead, Not Backing Up

It’s no secret that the past few months have been tough for the International Mission Board family.

IMB & churches: ‘limitless missionary teams’

RICHMOND, Va. (BP) -- IMB exists to partner with churches to empower limitless missionary teams who are making disciples and multiplying churches among unreached peoples and places for the glory of God. In order to see "limitless" missionaries working among the unreached, IMB is exploring multiple pathways through which more men and women from Southern Baptist churches might serve overseas. ...

FIRST-PERSON: A time of prayer and action for Nepal

RICHMOND, Va. (BP) -- As soon as I heard news about the earthquake in Nepal, I immediately thought of the people I met and the faces I saw just over a year ago, when I was walking on trails and sides of mountains in the area where the quake hit. As I thought of the massive physical need that was already there on top of the massive spiritual need, and realized that an earthquake of this magnitude would have devastating effects across the region, I was drawn immediately to my knees. I cried out to God for His mercy and His might to be made known among the people in that area.

FIRST-PERSON: Church planting to reach the nations

David Platt, president of Southern Baptists' International Mission Board, notes that the North American Mission Board's focus "to plant and revitalize churches" -- supported by the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering -- is key to spreading the Gospel "in this nation and to all nations."