News Articles

6/13/97 Swindoll to be guest editor of men’s devotional magazine

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)–Charles Swindoll, well-known preacher, writer, radio personality and current president of Dallas Theological Seminary, is pursuing yet another assignment — serving as temporary editor of “Stand Firm,” a monthly men’s devotional magazine produced by the Southern Baptist Sunday School Board.
Swindoll will serve as editor for the magazine, including writing the editorials, for the months of July through October, according to Gary Hauk, manager of the BSSB’s discipleship and family magazine department. Stand Firm is a monthly men’s devotional magazine begun in April 1996.
“The magazine speaks to the issues that men face today and challenges them to stand strong in their commitment to Christ,” Hauk said. “We deal with a man’s family life, his friendships, his work, his community and his world.
This monthly magazine encourages men in their daily walk with God as they read the Bible, pray and share their faith with others.”
Until the discipleship and family development division fills the post of men’s ministry specialist, a position which will be the editorial voice for Stand Firm, the devotional magazine will use guest editors, Hauk said.
“Stand Firm is a very valuable resource for men’s ministry,” Hauk said. “Because that position is not filled at this time, we felt it would be a great opportunity for us to hear from other men who are leading in ministry to men.
“We are honored that Chuck Swindoll agreed to be our guest editor for these months. He has and is making a valuable contribution to the kingdom of God in his ministry,” Hauk said.
Swindoll, after completing 23 years of service as senior pastor of First Evangelical Free Church, Fullerton, Calif., in 1994, became president of Dallas Theological Seminary. He also has an international radio Bible-teaching ministry, “Insight for Living,” which is aired worldwide more than 1,450 times daily. Swindoll’s books and booklets have sold more than 5.5 million copies.
Hauk said Stand Firm continues to reach more men and churches each month.
“God is at work in the lives of men across our land and Stand Firm is one example of us joining God in this work,” he said. “We look forward to the future as more men are encouraged in their faith, grow in their daily walk with God, make new commitments to family and share Christ with others.”