KANSAS CITY, Mo. (BP)–The stage is set for thousands of girls to gather for “Blume” — four days of worship, interactive conferences, hands-on missions and ministry projects, concerts, nightly fun activities and new friends.
More than 6,000 girls from across the nation are expected in Kansas City, Mo., for the missions event designed to encourage them to recognize their gifts and live out their God-given purpose. Blume is the German word for “flower” representing growth, youth and new life. The event is open to all girls ages 12 and up, including collegiate young women.
“The purpose of Blume will be accomplished in our minds and hearts if girls leave empowered with the realization that God has a plan and purpose for their lives,” Blume program coordinator Suzanne Reece said. “They are each uniquely gifted, and God can use them even now to make a difference in the world and to accomplish His mission.”
Taking a holistic approach to serving God and others, Blume is based on Luke 10:27 when Jesus said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind. And, love your neighbor as yourself.”
Encouraging girls to truly love their neighbor as themselves, the event will provide various ways for participants to give according to their personalities and interests. And through interactive stations, the girls will be able to connect with missions efforts from around the world.
Throughout the conference, Celia Whitler, a Christian recording artist and songwriter, will lead the girls in praise and worship. Although Blume will include time for all the participants to gather together, specific activities and times of worship have been planned just for the collegiate audience. Cindy Johnson, a Christian songwriter, singer and guitarist, will minister to the collegiate young women through worship and testimony.
For the feature concert, Bethany Dillon, an 18-year-old recording artist and Dove Award nominee, will sing about God’s grace, mercy and love.
The cost to attend Blume is $149 per person if staying within the block of hotels reserved for Blume or $199 per person if reservations are made outside the block of rooms. Registration is now open and can be completed by telephone, fax, mail or online.
For more information on Blume, sponsored by Woman’s Missionary Union, visit www.blumeforgirls.com or send e-mail to [email protected].
Many states are coordinating travel packages to Blume so large groups of girls in their state can travel together. Further information is available from state Woman’s Missionary Union offices.
Blume was previously known as the National Acteens Convention (NAC). WMU launched Acteens, a missions organization for girls in grades seven through 12, in 1970. Through Acteens, girls are inspired and challenged to serve others and fulfill their part in God’s plan as they pray for and learn about other cultures and missionary work, both nationally and internationally.
The first NAC was held in 1972 at LifeWay Glorieta Conference Center near Santa Fe, N.M. Taking place approximately every four to five years, subsequent National Acteens Conventions have been in Memphis, Tenn., in 1975; Kansas City, Mo., in 1979; Fort Worth, Texas, in 1984; San Antonio, Texas, in 1989; Birmingham, Ala., in 1994; Louisville, Ky., in 1998; and Nashville, Tenn., in 2003.
Now known as Blume, this event is larger in scope as this year is it open to all teen girls whether they are involved in Acteens or not. This is also the first year the event has offered a track for collegiate young women.