CLOVIS, Calif. (BP) — Messengers to the 2018 California Southern Baptist Convention (CSBC) annual meeting elected a new convention president and approved a 2019 budget during their 78th session that highlighted “Empowering Church Vision.”
Held at Clovis Hills Community Church Oct. 23-24, the annual meeting sessions focused on the convention’s new structure, put in place by Bill Agee who was elected executive director in May 2017. The four “initiatives teams” made presentations during each session: church planting, church revitalization, evangelism & missions, and small church.
Agee presented a “state of the convention” message, informing messengers and guests that, for the first time in some years, Cooperative Program gifts from California churches are showing an “uptick,” and “we are hoping for record receipts from the California Mission Offering.”
He emphasized the ministry of the four CSBC initiatives teams and their interest and availability in partnering with churches.
Election of officers
Shawn Beaty, pastor of the host church, was elected CSBC president, succeeding AB Vines, pastor of New Seasons Church in Spring Valley who served the maximum two, one-year terms. Vines was elected in June as first vice president of the Southern Baptist Convention.
During his President’s Sermon, Vines urged messengers and guests to focus not only on evangelism, but discipleship as well in winning California to Christ.
“My challenge to you, Southern Baptists in California, is that we have 33 million lost people in our state. We have a job, we have a passion, we have a need” to share Christ and disciple new believers. “I am committed to our state,” Vines declared.
Josh Sanchez, youth minister at First Southern Baptist Church in Anaheim, was elected vice president.
The CSBC committee on convention operations recommended Laura Craig, minister of music at Stonebrooke Church in Vista, as music director for the 2019 annual meeting.
All were elected by acclamation.
Messengers approved without discussion a 2019 budget of $10.9 million, which includes a Cooperative Program objective of $6.6 million, down from $6.7 million for 2018. It is based on actual year-to-date 2018 CP receipts and projections for 2019.
If the $6.6 million is realized, SBC missions and ministry will receive $2,310,000 or 35 percent, unchanged from 2018.
The California portion of CP receipts for mission causes is nearly $4.1 million or 62 percent, an increase of 3 percent over the 2018 allocation. The Baptist Foundation of California will continue to receive 1 percent; California Baptist University will receive 2 percent, a decrease of 3 percent from the previous year. In September, CBU trustees voted to approve the percentage reduction.
Other business
Messengers approved five new congregations for affiliation: Eden Church, Campbell; Comunidad Cristiana Emanuel, Menifee; Grace Bible Fellowship of Silicon Valley, Sunnyvale; Quest Church, Lake Elsinore; Yedam Community Church, San Ramon.
Messengers also approved a resolution expressing gratitude to the City of Clovis, Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association and Clovis Hills.
Joseph Rangel, worship leader for the host church, led worship during all three convention sessions.
A total of 335 messengers registered, along with 124 guests.
Next year’s meeting will be held Oct. 22-23 at Shadow Mountain Community Church in El Cajon.