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Divine encounters on Chinese campus prepare 48 students for new birth

BEIJING (BP)–Revival has recently swept through a campus in northern China, resulting in 48 professions of faith in only nine weeks. Overwhelmed by God’s faithfulness, Christian teachers on the campus are praying for an additional 100 new believers before the end of the school year.

“The greatest thing about this wave of decisions is that it truly has been a supernatural work,” said a teacher who labors several nights a week to disciple the new believers. “This is something that only God could do. He has used both Chinese and American Christians working as a team. One plants seeds; another waters; another brings in the harvest, and another tends the seedlings.”

To the Christian workers, it is clear that the Holy Spirit is orchestrating this harvest of souls: A number of the new believers had a string of “spontaneous” encounters with Christian teachers and students in the few days immediately prior to accepting Christ, allowing for repeated witness of God’s grace and saving power.

“The Holy Spirit continues to direct people to our door day after day,” the teacher said. “There is no other explanation than this — we are experiencing a great movement of God’s spirit in answer to prayer. All of us have felt a commitment to prayer, and we have spent many hours alone with the Lord and together on our knees before him. He is graciously pouring out His spirit on our campus.”

One beautiful aspect of this moving of God’s spirit is that Chinese students who are relatively new believers themselves are taking responsibility for the evangelism of other students. They are also actively involved in discipleship as small groups meet regularly for worship and fellowship.

As these students complete their university education in the next few years, they will return to provinces all over China to pursue careers. They will do so with Christ in their hearts, the teacher noted, and a fervor to share the good news with others who have not yet heard.

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