News Articles

FIRST-PERSON: Congresswoman Musgrave: courageous family advocate

LYNCHBURG, Va. (BP)–On Sunday, Sept. 7, Rep. Marilyn Musgrave, R.-Colo., addressed the audience at Thomas Road Baptist Church, the Lynchburg, Va., church I have pastored since its founding in 1956. I wish every Christian in America could have heard this courageous lady explain why she has sponsored the Federal Marriage Amendment, the proposed constitutional amendment designed to preserve the sanctity of marriage as a union solely between one man and one woman.

In the present socio-political climate, it is not widely popular to be promoting this traditional idea, but Mrs. Musgrave is boldly spearheading the effort to permanently safeguard marriage from activist judges and politically correct lawmakers.

Presently, more than 80 cosponsors have signed onto the bill. She said Christian activists will play a large role in seeing the bill passed.

“Many people think Christians should be quiet in the public square; they think that Christians should not have a voice in the public square,” Mrs. Musgrave said. “But I don’t agree with that. I think it is very important that we have our voice heard in that square.”

Of course, changing the Constitution will by no means be an easy thing. An amendment must be approved by two-thirds of the House and the Senate and ratified by 38 states. In our favor is the fact that 36 states already have enacted laws banning homosexual “marriage.” Furthermore, in 1996, when Congress passed a federal ban on homosexual “marriages,” 85 percent of the Senate and 79 percent of the House voted for the ban.

Mrs. Musgrave, who has been married to her husband Steve for 35 years — they met at Bible camp as teenagers — noted that even in traditionally liberal states like Hawaii and California, ballot initiatives for homosexual “marriage” have been voted down by the people. This, she believes, is a positive indication that her Federal Marriage Initiative ultimately will be passed.

Mrs. Musgrave said that while marriage has become trivial to many Americans (our 50 percent divorce rate serves as evidence), it is important for those who revere the sanctity of marriage to protect it.

“Just because the institution of marriage is not held in the respect that we should give it does not mean that we should do away with the definition of marriage,” said the 54-year-old mother of four and grandmother of five.

Mrs. Musgrave added that it is the role of the Christian community to protect marriage, specifically within the church setting.

“We need to ask God’s protection over our marriages,” Mrs. Musgrave said. She also encouraged older Christians to set a “good example for young people,” adding that those with years of successful marriage “need to counsel young people and help them choose their mates wisely.”

In closing, Rep. Musgrave asked Christians nationwide to help her ensure that marriage remains safe.

I agree that the only way to put marriage out of reach of fanatical judges and militant lawmakers is to pass the Federal Marriage Amendment that defines marriage as a union between one man and one woman, period.

Polls indicate that 80 percent of Americans believe in the traditional definition of marriage, but the aggressive forces against it are actively working to redefine marriage and the family. We absolutely must work together to keep the sanctity of marriage out of their reach, forever.

Once again, I urge my friends to sign our petition to preserve traditional marriage: https://www.onemanonewoman.com . We already have hundreds of thousands of signatures, but are seeking 1 million Americans who will support the Federal Marriage Amendment. The petition, with your name affixed, will be forwarded specifically to your U.S. representative and two U.S. senators, as well as to the entire Congress and to President Bush.

Rep. Musgrave has expressed great thanks to those who have already signed the petition. For those who have yet to sign the petition, I urge you to join us in the effort to preserve marriage in America.

Finally, if you would like to thank Rep. Musgrave for her effort, you may e-mail her by visiting her website: https://wwwa.house.gov/musgrave.

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  • Jerry Falwell