He has risen! As you celebrate this Easter season, please remember your many IMB missionaries on the field. In some areas, like where we live in the Asia-Pacific Rim, it’s the perfect time to explain the true meaning of this holiday.
We want you to know how Christians are presenting the gospel on the island nation where we live. A couple of years ago, we partnered with national believers to do a dramatic presentation of Jesus’ miracles, death, burial and resurrection in high-traffic public places in our town. This Easter, many local fellowships are producing their own dramas.
National believers graciously volunteer to fill all 24 roles in the cast. They serve as Jesus, Pilate, narrators, etc. It’s really a bonding time for our local churches. We even have a Deaf fellowship involved in the production.
In 2022, we did the presentation in a church parking lot. Then God opened up an opportunity for a second presentation in a neighborhood where we had permission to shut down the street, so there was plenty of room for people to gather. Last year we performed the drama at the mall. It was a great spot since people go to the mall for everything in our country, whether it’s to escape the heat or shop for groceries. More than 1,000 people stopped to see the drama throughout the day. The gospel was proclaimed, and God’s praises rang from the mall’s atrium from morning until evening.
The artistic aspect of the drama is received well in this culture. We have seen some great results from these presentations: Local churches working together and experiencing creative ways to share God’s Word. Local believers gaining experience in sharing the gospel. Access to plant seeds of the gospel among people who may never come in contact with the Truth.
Please pray for our friends and local believers as they explain the true meaning of the national holiday of Good Friday on March 29 and Ascension of Jesus Christ (May 8) to those around them who have never heard.
He has risen indeed!
* Names have been changed for security purposes.