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FIRST-PERSON: The day between

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What do you do when Friday didn’t end the way you envisioned and Sunday hasn’t arrived?

Two thousand years ago the events leading up to what we now call Easter, were a whirlwind – to say the least. And things certainly didn’t turn out the way the way those early Christ followers envisioned. So there they were, after a bizarre week that began with a celebration and ended with a crucifixion. It was Saturday, the day between. The crowds gone. Their minds and hearts numb. And they were not sure what’s next.

Now, on this side of history, we know what’s next – but they didn’t.

Our lives are often the same way – crazy busy – and sometimes bizarre. Our smartphones light up with one notification after another. Great anticipation is often replaced by great disappointment in our careers, in our relationships and even with God.

And then comes Saturday – the day between.

Friday was like nothing we’ve ever experienced and the promise of Sunday hasn’t arrived.

So today, the day between, take a moment and be silent. Ask God to calm your heart, your mind and your spirit. Be honest – tell Him that things are not working out like you thought they would. Let Him know you have questions, doubts, and even fears.

But during your talk with God, be sure to include Jesus’s words, “Not my will but your will be done.”

Then – be silent. Be still. Ask God to give you ears to hear what the Spirit will say.

After a turbulent Friday and before Sunday arrives, this day between, this Silent Saturday, can remind you of who He is and prepare you to receive the power and the promise of Easter Sunday.

Resurrection blessings to you and yours.