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Miss. collegians, on spring break, help out at MBTS

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (BP)–Rolling up their sleeves and putting elbow grease into their brush strokes, 21 students from Itawamba Community College’s Baptist Student Union in Fulton, Miss., sacrificed their spring break to help touch up the facilities at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

“It is a privilege to bring these students here during their spring break and help with some current projects on campus,” Itawamba BSU director Chris Burrows said. “Every year during spring break we take a mission trip to remember that mission work involves not only sharing the Gospel message but also getting our hands dirty in helping others.”

“The team’s work has helped us complete several special tasks,” said Jill Scruby, campus operations office manager and housing coordinator at the Kansas City, Mo., seminary. The team painted a faculty parking lot, for example, and several student housing units.

Freshman student Stefanie Yielding of Fulton, Miss., on her first mission trip with the BSU, recounted, “When I heard about the trip I felt it could be an interesting opportunity to meet some new folks.

“It was a great trip [during] which I learned a lot about myself, others on the team and got do a lot of painting that otherwise may not have been done,” Yielding said.

The Itawamba BSU group was the first of several teams scheduled this summer to help with various projects on the Midwestern Seminary campus. Over the past couple years, the Mississippi Baptist Convention has sent several volunteer teams to help with projects at Midwestern.

Burrows, of the Itawamba BSU, said a group of students spent last year’s spring break working on a project in Vermont that included shoveling snow off the roofs of houses.
(BP) photo posted in the BP Photo Library at Photo title: BRUSHING UP.

    About the Author

  • James Streicher