News Articles

New Orleans alumni & friends to hear from Chuck Kelley

INDIANAPOLIS (BP)–New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary’s annual Alumni & Friends Reunion will be a luncheon meeting June 16 during the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting in Indianapolis.

The luncheon will be held in Wabash Ballrooms 1 and 2 of the Indiana Convention Center following the Wednesday morning session of the SBC annual meeting.

The meeting will include a special report from NOBTS President Chuck Kelley on the ongoing transformation of the seminary’s campus as well as the faculty’s annual presentation of the distinguished alumni awards.

Tickets, at $10 each, are on sale now by mail and online. Tickets also will be available at the NOBTS booth in the SBC exhibit hall. Cost will be $12 per person after June 1.

To purchase a ticket before the SBC, mail a check, made payable to the NOBTS, to New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, Attention Denise Wrye, 3939 Gentilly Blvd., New Orleans, LA 70126. For information about purchasing tickets online, visit Tickets ordered from the office after June 1 may be picked up at the seminary’s booth in the exhibit hall.

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