
2004 SBC Annual Meeting Preview

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2004 Tellers Committee named by SBC president

INDIANAPOLIS (BP)--Members of the Tellers Committee for the June 15-16 meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention in Indianapolis have been named by SBC President Jack Graham.

Credentials Committee named for Indy by SBC president

INDIANAPOLIS (BP)—Southern Baptist Convention President Jack Graham has named members of the Credentials Committee for the June 15-15 SBC annual meeting in Indianapolis.

Hispanic network to honor church planting leaders

INDIANAPOLIS (BP)--The Southern Baptist Hispanic Multiplying Church Network will gather for its seventh-annual meeting June 14 in Indianapolis to celebrate the launch of 241 new Hispanic Baptist churches last year and to cast a vision for reaching more Hispanic communities.

Hispanic fellowship to feature evangelism, education & worship

INDIANAPOLIS (BP)--Hispanic Southern Baptists will proclaim “There Is Life in Jesus” during evangelistic campaigns in different locations throughout Indiana June 7-11, culminating with a special concert Saturday night, June 12, at Northside Baptist Church in Indianapolis.

African American Fellowship readies for news from churches

INDIANAPOLIS (BP)--Gabriel Missionary Baptist Church, it its new building northeast of downtown Indianapolis, will host the worship celebration of the SBC's National African American Fellowship on Sunday, June 13.

Denominational servants to study early Southern Baptist blacks

INDIANAPOLIS (BP)--More than 200 African Americans serve in denominational roles in the Southern Baptist Convention's 12 entities and seminaries, 40 state/regional conventions and 1,200 associations.

Journal taps black experience in Southern Baptist context

INDIANAPOLIS (BP)--The name of the first African American church to affiliate with the Southern Baptist Convention will be announced with the June publication of the Journal of African American Southern Baptist History.

Directors of missions to spotlight healthy associational ministry

INDIANAPOLIS (BP)--Building healthy associations in the 21st century will be the focus of the Southern Baptist Conference of Associational Directors of Missions' 43rd annual meeting June 13-14, at the Radisson City Centre, Indianapolis.

Theology school dean-elect to address Messianic fellowship

INDIANAPOLIS (BP)--With the theme "For Zion's Sake I Will Not Be Silent," members of the Southern Baptist Messianic Fellowship will explore the idea in Romans 1:16 that the Gospel is intended "primarily for the Jew and then for the Greek" at their June 11-12 meeting in Indianapolis.

‘Jesus … Not Ashamed!’ to be evangelists’ theme

INDIANAPOLIS (BP)--Evangelists will focus on the theme of "Jesus ... Not Ashamed!" during the worship service sponsored by the Conference of Southern Baptist Evangelists prior to each year's Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting.