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Website launched by SEBTS for Operation G.R.A.C.E.

WAKE FOREST, N.C. (BP)–Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary launched the official website for its Operation G.R.A.C.E. Hurricane Katrina relief operation Sept. 8.

The website, www.sebts.edu/OperationGrace, has been set up to give an overview of the Wake Forest, N.C., seminary’s initiative to aid students, faculty, staff and visitors in their efforts to contribute time and money and to assist displaced students from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary in continuing their education until they can return to New Orleans.

Separate pages at the website provide information related to each of the letters of G.R.A.C.E. -– G for giving and going, R for receiving and restoring, A for aiding and assisting, C for caring and comforting and E for evangelizing and encouraging.

Students, faculty and staff can sign up online for one of four trips currently planned for the Gulf Coast states -– Oct. 1-8, Dec. 17-22, Jan. 7-14 and March 4-11. Churches also may find current information and opportunities for cooperation through the site.

Southeastern joins her sister Southern Baptist seminaries in welcoming NOBTS students to complete classes this fall without charge. The objective will be to help those students return to New Orleans as soon as possible while transferring any credits received back to NOBTS. In addition, any student family who temporarily relocates to Southeastern will be provided housing rent-free for two and a half months.

Southeastern’s first relief teams will be working closely with First Baptist North Mobile, Ala. Led by pastor Ed Litton, a member of Southeastern Seminary’s board of trustees, First Baptist North Mobile already has been offering relief in devastated areas through its Task Force Hope program.

In addition to the website, more information on Operation G.R.A.C.E. can be obtained by calling 1-888-290-7787 or by e-mail to [email protected].

    About the Author

  • Jerry Higgins