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Wyndell, Audie Jones honored, CP boosted by Iowa Baptists

ANKENY, Iowa (BP)–Messengers to the Baptist Convention of Iowa’s annual meeting expressed gratitude to their outgoing leader, boosted Cooperative Program giving and took a stance in favor of the Boy Scouts during their Oct. 27-28 sessions at Cornerstone Baptist Church, Ankeny.

Wyndell O. Jones, who announced his retirement as the convention’s executive director-treasurer in May, and his wife, Audie, were honored with a resolution voicing appreciation “for their wise and loving leadership for these past 15 years.”

Jones’ retirement will take effect March 31 of next year. He currently is the president of the Southern Baptist Association of State Convention Executive Directors and was the organization’s secretary-treasurer from 1995-98.

The Joneses were honored during a Friday evening reception at the convention.

Prior to assuming the Iowa convention post in 1985, in which he also edited the state Baptist paper, Jones had served Alabama Baptists as director of the church ministries division from 1977-85 and earlier had led churches in Alabama, Tennessee and Louisiana for more than 15 years. While in Tennessee, he served as president and vice president of the state convention’s executive board.

He is a graduate of Mississippi College and New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.

The Joneses have two daughters, one granddaughter and one grandson.

Ninety-five messengers and 58 visitors representing 42 of Iowa’s 77 churches attended the annual meeting, with the theme of “Celebrating Jesus Christ: New Birth-Living Hope” based on 1 Peter 1:3.

A 2001 budget of $1,645,428 was adopted, up 6 percent over the current budget. The percentage of giving designated for Southern Baptist Cooperative Program national and international missions and ministries was increased to 27 percent of the churches’ CP gifts, up from the current 26 percent. The Iowa budget anticipates $427,314 in CP giving from Iowa’s 11,000 church members for the coming year.

In a two-paragraph resolution on the Boy Scouts, the convention stated:

“Be it resolved that the messengers of the Baptist Convention of Iowa stand in support of the Boy Scouts of America and their moral, ethical, and Biblical stand.

“Be it further resolved that the messengers of the Baptist Convention of Iowa will pray for the strength and resolve of the Boy Scouts of America,” an apparent reference to challenges facing the Boy Scouts from homosexual groups and others against the Scouts’ stand against homosexual scout leaders.

Elected without opposition as convention officers were Leo Endel, pastor of Southern Hills Baptist Church, Sioux City, president; David Miller, pastor of Northbrook Baptist Church, Cedar Rapids, first vice president; and Robert Ray, pastor of Memorial Baptist Church, Shenandoah, second vice president. Terry Wilkinson, pastor of CrossPointe Baptist Church, West Des Moines, was re-elected as recording secretary.

The convention adopted a 2001-2005 strategy plan with priorities in “healthy new works,” “developing healthy churches” and “partnership missions.” Five strategic initiates in support of the plan are prayer, communication, resourcing, leadership development and outreach and evangelism.

Next year’s annual meeting will be Nov. 2-3 at Immanuel Baptist Church, Cedar Rapids.

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