SBC Life Articles

A Letter from the SBC President

A Word from Steve Gaines

Office of the President

May 1, 2017


It is with a grateful heart that I address you as president of our Southern Baptist Convention. Thank you for allowing me to serve you and our Lord this past year.

I have been a Southern Baptist all my life. This position has allowed me to grow even more in my appreciation for our SBC.

Since last June, I have attended many Southern Baptist meetings and preached at Southern Baptist functions at the national, state, and local levels.

I attended the board meetings of both our North American Mission Board and our International Mission Board. I am very grateful for the leadership of Kevin Ezell at NAMB and David Platt at the IMB. I am excited to see how the Lord is using our NAMB church planters as we seek to plant a hundred new churches in North America every month! I am also excited as our 3,600-plus IMB missionaries lead in sharing the Gospel evangelistically to make disciples for Christ around the world.

I attended the trustee meeting of GuideStone Financial Resources and preached to their trustees and staff. O. S. Hawkins and his team are doing an outstanding job serving all Southern Baptists in the areas of retirement, insurance, and helping hurting pastors.

I have preached in five of our SBC seminaries this year. They are training young men and women to serve our churches and to take the Gospel to our nation and the nations.

I have also preached at many state convention meetings. I so appreciate the irreplaceable roles they play in helping our churches partner together to win America to Christ.

I appreciate more than ever our need to support financially our multiple SBC ministries through the Cooperative Program. The CP is a gift to Southern Baptists and to the world. Though we may differ in secondary theological matters, the CP allows Southern Baptists the opportunity to work together for the cause of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I anticipate a prayerful, Spirit-filled, Christ-honoring, united, encouraging SBC meeting in Phoenix on June 13–14, 2017. We will emphasize prayer and spiritual awakening, soul winning, and stewardship. Those who pray and preach will focus on these vital themes.

It is my prayer that our Southern Baptist Convention will become known as: 1) a house of prayer; 2) an army of soul winners; and 3) a catalyst for spiritual awakening in America and around the world.

Won’t you join me as I pray for our SBC meeting in Phoenix? I’m looking forward to gathering with you as we come together as family.

God bless you.

Steve Gaines
III John 2

    About the Author

  • Steve Gaines