Lead On Podcast

Aaron Linne

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TECH: An even faster Internet & its impact on churches

Imagine downloading an HD movie in only five seconds. That type of Internet speed is around the corner, and it can have a big impact on churches.

TECH: What if you could record your entire life?

Technology columnist Aaron Linne takes a look at two prototype projects by Google and Microsoft, one of which would allow users to wear special glasses and video record their daily lives.

TECHNOLOGY: No more giant apps — a browser is all you need

The new ChromeBook and ChromeBox only allow users to operate within a Web browser, but technology columnist Aaron Linne says enough free tools exist online to make this inexpensive option even sweeter, especially for churches looking to purchase multiple new computers.

TECHNOLOGY: A new digital reading experience — unlike anything we’ve seen

What if when using an iPad or Kindle Fire, we could read about the biblical story of David and Goliath and actually see the battlefield, or when reading about the Temple we'd see it being built? That reading experience may be only a few years away, says technology columnist Aaron Linne.

TECHNOLOGY: Helping the church understand the digital revolution

A series of recent books seeks to help the church understand and adapt to the social media/digital revolution, says tech columnist Aaron Linne.

TECHNOLOGY: Windows 8 could change desktop world

Microsoft will release Windows 8 this year, and it could change the desktop world. But is it best for your church or your home computers? Columnist Aaron Linne takes a look.

TECHNOLOGY: So, your church wants an app?

If you think your church could use an app, it might be a good idea to smart small before getting that first app developed, says technology columnist Aaron Linne.

TECHNOLOGY: 3 amazing new tech innovations

Technology columnist Aaron Linne examines three technological innovations from October that will fundamentally change the way that our children play with the world around.

TECHNOLOGY: 5 ways tablets will change church & ministry

Tablet computers like the iPad, Kindle Fire and Google Honeycomb will change the way churches operate in the near future, says tech columnist Aaron Linne, who lists five ways ministry might change.

TECHNOLOGY: Attention techies & creatives

Baptist Press tech columnist Aaron Linne spotlights the work of Creative Missions in mobilizing tech geeks, design creatives and communications specialists to help teach churches how they can better communicate with their surrounding cultures.