Lead On Podcast

Anne Harman

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La JMI anuncia los detalles del incentivo para la jubilación voluntaria

RICHMOND, Va. (BP)—En la primera fase del plan de la Junta de Misiones Internacionales (IMB, por sus siglas en inglés) para abordar el déficit en sus ingresos, el liderazgo anunció los detalles de un incentivo para la jubilación voluntaria durante sus reuniones generales con el personal el jueves (10 sept.). La meta del plan, compartieron los líderes de la JMI, es ofrecer un incentivo tan generoso como sea posible ...

IMB announces voluntary retirement incentive details

RICHMOND, Va. (BP) -- In the first phase of the International Mission Board's plan to address revenue shortfalls, leadership announced details of a voluntary retirement incentive during town hall meetings with personnel Thursday (Sept. 10). The goal of the plan, IMB leaders shared, is to offer as generous a voluntary retirement incentive as possible, while honoring the years of service of those eligible and providing a smooth transition from personnel's current role.

Buenos Aires neighborhood’s Bible study blossoms

Life is colorful in La Boca, a riverside Buenos Aires neighborhood where tourists flock to buy souvenirs on cobblestone streets flooded with the yellows and oranges, blues and greens of the shops. As dusk falls, tourists abandon the port for the city’s center, and even the curbside vendors quickly pack up and leave. Within moments, streets that bulged with throngs of people are empty. Behind the facades of the tourist attractions, the people of La Boca struggle to make ends meet. They live in an atmosphere steeped in uncertainty and loneliness. They struggle with drugs and promiscuity.

God-sized miracle sought in Buenos Aires

“Where is Marco Polo?” The question is a legitimate one in Buenos Aires, Argentina: Marco Polo is a pastor who has invested 20 years in the city’s Cildáñez neighborhood, a melting pot of immigrants. When the question is asked at the offices of Parque Indoamericano Baptist Church, the staff knows that Polo likely is meeting a need in a nearby villa, or slum area. The church provides about 20 ministries to immigrant neighborhoods, from traditional worship and discipleship to small groups in homes and youth events. Construction continues adjacent to the church on a home for adolescent and single mothers. Daily, 300 infants and preschoolers receive meals and personal nurture in two childcare centers.

TRUSTEES: IMB opens new pathways for service

LOUISVILLE, Ky.(BP) -- Citing urgency for reaching a lost world and unity with the Baptist Faith & Message, International Mission Board trustees streamlined guidelines for appointing new personnel to fulfill their missionary calling. Trustees voted to approve the proposal during IMB's May 12-13 trustee meeting in Louisville, Ky.

IMB, NAMB to host ‘Sending Celebration’ during SBC Annual Meeting

This year’s Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting will feature a “Sending Celebration” as the Convention’s two mission boards host a joint commissioning service.

IMB, NAMB to host ‘Sending Celebration’

COLUMBUS, Ohio (BP) -- This year's Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting will feature a "Sending Celebration" as the Convention's two mission agencies host a joint commissioning service.

Platt unveils ‘reset’ of IMB strategy, structure

HOUSTON (BP) -- International Mission Board President David Platt proposed streamlining the mission agency's strategy and structure -- in keeping with his desire for IMB to exalt Christ and work more effectively toward accomplishing the Great Commission -- during IMB's Feb. 24-25 trustee meeting in Houston.