
News Articles by Christine Hall

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AMA against disclosing possibility of abortion via birth control pills

WASHINGTON (BP)--The American Medical Association has voted overwhelmingly against a proposal to inform women about the potential for birth control pills to cause the abortion of a fertilized egg, CNSNews.com reported Dec. 7.

Supreme Court hears challenge to law that shields children from net porn

WASHINGTON (BP)--Can children be protected from online pornography without treading on the First Amendment right of adults to view such material? That was the question before the U.S. Supreme Court Nov. 28 as lawyers for the Bush administration and the American Civil Liberties Union battled over the constitutionality of the Children's Online Protection Act (COPA).

Religious charities nixed by government, says Bush report

WASHINGTON (BP)--Religious charities aren't given a fair shot at getting government grant money for social service programs, says a study released Thursday by the Bush administration.

‘Jane Roe’ of Roe v. Wade goes to court for the unborn

WASHINGTON (BP)--Nearly three decades after the Supreme Court legalized abortion nationwide, the original plaintiff in the landmark Roe v. Wade case is urging a federal court to reconsider the 1973 Supreme Court decision.

Adoption agency pioneers finding wombs for frozen human embryos

WASHINGTON (BP)--A California adoption agency thinks it has found a solution to the dilemma of what to do with an estimated 100,000 frozen human embryos "left over" from in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Federal judge to hear Ten Commandments cases

WASHINGTON (BP)--A federal judge in Kentucky is scheduled to re-hear a cluster of cases April 6 involving the public display of the Ten Commandments, CNSNews.com reported Monday, April 2.

Court rules pharmacist can object to dispensing abortion-related pill

WASHINGTON (BP)--An Ohio pharmacist, fired for refusing to fill a prescription for the emergency contraceptive pill known as Micronor, may continue with her lawsuit after a federal judge refused to dismiss the case, according to CNSNews.com.

Planned Parenthood blamed for encouraging teen sex activity

WASHINGTON (BP)--A report published by the research affiliate of Planned Parenthood, suggesting a more liberal definition for abstinence and calling for the collection of more data on teen sexual activity, is a thinly-veiled, long-range business plan for selling contraceptives, according to CNSNews.com.

Medical questions, legislative battles fester as abortion pill enters U.S.

WASHINGTON (BP)--After years of mishaps and misadventures, the abortion pill RU-486 is facing more trouble in its American debut, the Internet news site CNSNews.com reports. This time, the problems are coming from an unlikely cast of characters: the maker of an ulcer drug and, potentially, the maker of RU-486 itself, as well as some doctors and college health clinics.

Gore wants homosexual couples to get immigration ‘fast track’

WASHINGTON (BP)–Democratic presidential nominee Al Gore says that as president, he would extend to homosexual couples the same priority immigration status granted heterosexual married couples, the CNSNews.com Internet news site reported Oct.10. In other words, if an American entered into a homosexual union in a foreign country, U.S. immigration policy should prioritize immigration for the […]