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News Articles by Denny Burk

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Literacy and the Gospel

DALLAS (BP)--The Associated Press reported Aug. 21 that one in four adults did not read a single book last year, according to a new poll.

Responding to the massacre

DALLAS (BP)--As I type this essay, Dr. Phil is holding forth on "Larry King Live." He's saying that there was no way that anyone could have predicted that the troubled Cho Seung-Hui would have perpetrated the awful massacre at Virginia Tech on Monday.

FIRST-PERSON: Is embryonic stem-cell research murder?

DALLAS (BP)--Does the destruction of human embryos amount to murder? White House spokesman Tony Snow put this question on the front burner recently when he described President Bush’s position as follows:

FIRST-PERSON: ‘Da Vinci’ not as dangerous as ‘Left Behind’?

DALLAS (BP)--When the doctor tells you that the blood gushing from your severed artery isn’t nearly as dangerous as your athlete’s foot, you know you’ve got a bad physician, and it’s time to get a new one. We don’t put ourselves under the care of those who can’t distinguish life-threatening conditions from benign ones. On the contrary, we fire them.

FIRST-PERSON: The Gospel according to Hollywood

DALLAS (BP)--Christians aren’t the only ones who preach. Hollywood does it too, and with great effect. This was no where more clearly seen than in two men who won Oscars at the Academy Awards March 5. George Clooney and Ang Lee both made a point of saying that movies can and should advocate for causes that the rest of the country may not support.

FIRST-PERSON: Ministering alongside the ‘bologna brigade’

DALLAS (BP)--We parked our Canteen truck right next to the tents where military vehicles were dropping off and processing evacuees in front of the now infamous Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans. This was the site where thousands of New Orleans residents were stranded without food and bathrooms for days after the levees broke. It became a den of misery and lawlessness.

FIRST-PERSON: Does God care about filibusters?

DALLAS (BP)--Sometimes I read things that are so pitifully erroneous that I feel compelled to set the record straight. This is one instance.

FIRST PERSON: Research or the Bible?

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (BP)--The Episcopal Church's decision to allow local churches to "explore and experience liturgies celebrating and blessing same-sex unions" has drawn ire and refutations from conservative critics of same-sex "marriage."