FIRST-PERSON: Seismic change
Pastor Douglas Falknor reminds Christians how to maintain stability in a world of endless change. "God continues to be our dwelling place," he says.
FAYETTEVILLE: When an LGBT ordinance comes to town
Douglas Falknor, pastor of First Baptist Church in Fayetteville, recaps lessons learned from the Dec. 9 vote to repeal an LGBT ordinance adopted by the city council in August. Key points: Work with others. Recognize the important role of activists. Money is helpful; people are essential. Lead in your own church family. Stay focused on your purpose.
FAYETTEVILLE: clarity, compassion, Christ
Fayetteville pastor Douglas Falknor, his wife and eighth-grade daughter attended an eye-opening council meeting when the city's LGBT ordinance was debated. Christians must show clarity, compassion and Christ in their involvement in the public square, Falknor writes.