
Endel Lee

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FIRST-PERSON: Remember to remember

Though fewer Americans must endure it than pervious generations, losing a loved one in war is as painful as it has ever been, Endel Lee says. We must not fail to honor these deaths.

VETERANS DAY: They served honorably

Talk with a veteran, Endel Lee suggests, to learn about their service in behalf of such cherished ideals as religious liberty and freedom of speech. Their service, Lee notes, is "among the noblest of gestures by our nation's citizens."

FIRST-PERSON: Chaplain finds divine appointments aboard Coast Guard cutters in N.Y.

NEW ORLEANS (BP)--For this chaplain, the day began on Sunday, Sept 30, 2001, at approximately 0630am as I entered the operations center, second deck, U.S. Coast Guard Activities New York in order to locate the daily position of the U.S. Coast Guard Cutters keeping watch over New York City.