
Jeff Johnson

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Death penalty’s constitutionality draws federal judge’s challenge

WASHINGTON (BP)--A U.S. district court judge has given the Justice Department just over two weeks to convince him not to rule that the federal death penalty is an unconstitutional denial of the Fifth Amendment right to "due process," CNSNews.com reported April 29.

Pro-Israel rally draws 100,000-plus to Capitol

WASHINGTON (BP)--The violence may be thousands of miles away, but the tensions related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict were on display in Washington April 15 as more than 100,000 people jammed the west lawn of the U.S. Capitol to attend what organizers called the "largest rally ever in support of Israel," CNSNews.com reported.

Pickering battle places Congress on verge of ‘institutional crisis’

WASHINGTON (BP)--Republicans and even some Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee acknowledged March 7 that extremely bitter battles surrounding the confirmation of President Bush's judicial nominees are endangering the entire nomination process, CNSNews.com reported March 7.

Condom distribution by Olympics sparks family groups’ protest

WASHINGTON (BP)--Pro-family groups are decrying a decision by the Salt Lake Organizing Committee (SLOC) to provide free condoms to Olympic athletes attending the winter games, as doctors in and out of Congress point out their deficiencies in preventing sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), CNSNews.com reported Feb. 4.

The conservative agenda 2002: religion in politics

WASHINGTON (BP)--Many overtly religious words and phrases have become as common as campaign promises in the oratory of America's political leaders since the September 11 terrorist attacks, according to CNSNews.com. But what, if any role will religion play in the conservative agenda for 2002?