
Jeff Johnson

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New partial-birth abortion bill seeking to answer Supreme Court

WASHINGTON (BP)--New legislation to ban the partial-birth abortion procedure has been introduced in the House, and the proposal is specifically geared to answer the most recent objections to such a ban articulated by the Supreme Court, reported July 10.

Court stays Pledge ruling while protesters gather in Washington

WASHINGTON (BP)--A Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals judge stayed a June 26 ruling that the Pledge of Allegiance is unconstitutional. The ruling will stand, but temporarily will not go into effect, reported.

Congress takes further action to support pledge

WASHINGTON (BP)--Apparently not content with its resolution Wednesday condemning the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals' decision ruling the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional, the Senate has passed a bill affirming the inclusion of the phrase "under God" in the pledge.

House passes legislation to unshackle porno prosecutors

WASHINGTON (BP)--The House of Representatives June 25 passed legislation designed to "unshackle prosecutors" to again pursue criminal charges against anyone found in possession of child pornography, reported.

White House accused of blocking Sudan Peace Act

WASHINGTON (BP)--The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom says the civil war in Sudan is raging as strong as ever.

EEOC: Teachers Union Violated 1964 Civil Rights Law

WASHINGTON (BP)--The federal agency charged with enforcing civil rights laws as they relate to employment says the Ohio affiliate of the National Education Association (NEA) is in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Kennedy ‘hate crimes’ bill headed toward Senate action

WASHINGTON (BP)--A coalition of Christian, Jewish, Islamic and Sikh clergy joined Sens. Edward Kennedy, D.-Mass., and Gordon Smith, R.-Ore., on Capitol Hill May 15 to announce their support for a hate crimes bill titled as the "Local Law Enforcement Enhancement Act." The Senate is expected to consider the bill as early as the week of May 20, reported May 16.

Congress weighs free speech protections for churches

WASHINGTON (BP)--In the past 22 years, the Internal Revenue Service has either revoked the tax-exempt status of a church or religious organization or levied taxes on such a group for engaging in "prohibited political activities" fewer than 10 times. But some members of Congress say that is 10 times too many.

Pro-life groups compare cloning to Nazi ‘research’

WASHINGTON (BP)--A coalition of more than a dozen pro-life organizations says the so-called "therapeutic cloning" proposal supported by Utah Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch is frighteningly similar to genetic "research" conducted by the Nazis during World War II, reported.

House begins effort to counteract Supreme Court on virtual child porn

WASHINGTON (BP)--The House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security took the first steps May 1 to respond to the U.S. Supreme Court's decision April 16 striking down a law that banned as child pornography images of adult or computer-generated subjects, reported May 2.