FIRST-PERSON: We are having church on Sunday
In an era of polarization and confusion, the ministry of Baptist churches in their communities is cause for celebration, Joseph Bunce notes. "We are seeing food given to the hungry," he writes, "and the Bread of Life distributed among those who are far from God."
FIRST-PERSON: The wonder of it all
The words "woe" and "wow" are part of Joseph Bunce's journey of faith. "The thought of hell and the realization of my sin brought a sense of woe into my life," he writes of a despair that ended when "I was wowed by the amazing grace of Almighty God."
FIRST-PERSON: Whose money is it anyway?
Lessons from a church member's threat to withhold his giving years ago abides with Joseph Bunce, executive director of the Baptist Convention of New Mexico. The foremost lesson: "[E]very gift I would ever place in the offering plate was God's with no strings attached, period."
FIRST-PERSON: Don’t overlook the impact of small churches
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (BP)--I have served as a Southern Baptist pastor and denominational leader for almost 35 years.
GCRTF VIEWPOINT (Joseph Bunce): One reason why I am a Southern Baptist
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (BP)–The other night I had the joy of watching my 5-year-old granddaughter Jayden play tee ball. The game, for me, was better than the major leagues because, of course, my granddaughter was on the field. When you have someone you love in the game, the more concern you have for the results. My […]
FIRST-PERSON (Joseph Bunce): GCR report — more questions than answers
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (BP)--This week I was in Nashville, Tenn., attending meetings of our beloved Southern Baptist Convention.
FIRST-PERSON: Christ for clunkers
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (BP)--Much ado has been made about the federal "Cash for Clunkers" program that you and I are paying for.