
Kelly Boggs

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FIRST-PERSON: How gay activism affects you

Homosexual activists have taken aim at religious liberty and may succeed in their quest to outlaw Christian convictions unless believers take a stand now, columnist Kelly Boggs says.

FIRST-PERSON: How to help prevent suicides

Your smile, compliment or encouraging word may help convince a troubled individual not to commit suicide, columnist Kelly Boggs says.

FIRST-PERSON: Homosexual tactic closes wedding hall

Baptist Press columnist Kelly Boggs shares thoughts on a hotel near Jerusalem that chose to shut down its outdoor wedding site rather than allow homosexual couples to utilize it for same-sex weddings.

FIRST-PERSON: When a child dies

Baptist Press columnist Kelly Boggs reflects on an unfathomable wound -- the death of a child.

FIRST-PERSON: A call for reasoned debate

A revival of reasoned debate would help Christians prevail on controversial cultural issues, columnist Kelly Boggs says.

FIRST-PERSON: Disposable individuals

Baptist Press columnist Kelly Boggs reflects on the objectification of people common in the sex industry, in politics, in sports and marketing versus Jesus' way of giving people dignity.

FIRST-PERSON: Why sexual deviance is getting worse

Columnist Kelly Boggs argues that sexual expression will become progressively more perverse if society continues to reject God as the supreme moral authority.

FIRST-PERSON: The faith of Patrick Henry

ALEXANDRIA, La. (BP) -- On July 4 the United States will celebrate its 238th birthday. Dedicated secularists and some atheists continue to push the idea that a preponderance of America's founders were, at best, only nominally religious.

FIRST-PERSON: The Rwandan Genocide

Baptist Press columnist Kelly Boggs reflects on the context and underlying cause of the Rwandan Genocide 20 years ago in which 800,000 to 1 million people were brutally murdered.

FIRST-PERSON: Dad’s ever-present ‘scraps of wisdom’

Baptist Press columnist Kelly Boggs recounts the ever-present "scraps of wisdom" that he learned from his late father, Ernest Winfred Boggs.