
Michael McCormack

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Roles of Father, Son, Holy Spirit examined

NEW ORLEANS (BP)–Quoting hockey legend Wayne Gretzky isn’t a typical launching pad for talks on theology. But for renowned theologian Millard Erickson, who addressed a packed crowd at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary’s Leavell Center March 27, Gretzky’s words provided the perfect introduction for his topic of discussion: the Trinity. Gretzky, known as “The Great […]

Jimmy & Retia Dukes seriously injured

NEW ORLEANS (BP)–New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary professor Jimmy Dukes and his wife Retia were struck by a vehicle Saturday evening, April 4, as they crossed the street from the seminary’s main campus in New Orleans to the school’s Providence Guest House. Both received multiple injuries. The Dukeses were transported to separate hospitals — he […]

Crab-fishing pastor makes inroads

JEAN LAFITTE, La. (BP)--The alarm sounds at 4 a.m. in Eddie Painter's house. In the village of Jean Lafitte, a tiny fishing community just south of New Orleans, the early November sunrise is still nearly two hours away.       Painter emerges from the bedroom a few minutes later, dressed in boots, a heavy jacket and a floppy-brimmed hat.

Evangelism leaders meet for GPS planning

NEW ORLEANS (BP)--National and state Southern Baptist evangelism leaders from across North America met in New Orleans Dec. 2-4 for their annual evangelism winter meeting, which this year was focused on the new "God's Plan for Sharing" (GPS) denomination-wide evangelism emphasis.

Seminary serves as voting location

NEW ORLEANS (BP)--New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary served as a polling place in the presidential election Nov. 4 as numerous voting precincts cast their ballots in the Hardin Student Center ...

Storm-ravaged churches bless others

HOUMA, La. (BP)--A month after Hurricane Ike made landfall in the early morning hours of Sept. 13 at Galveston, Texas, Southern Baptist churches in coastal Louisiana are sharing the blessings they have received in the storm's aftermath with their neighbors.

Luter in chapel: ‘When the storm comes’

NEW ORLEANS (BP)–For New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, reopening after its Hurricane Gustav evacuation, Sept. 9’s chapel service became a time of thanksgiving and reunion -– and words of encouragement from New Orleans pastor Fred Luter. Because of widespread power outages and Louisiana law prohibiting habitation of multi-family housing with no utilities, many NOBTS apartment […]

Conference highlights ‘Music as Ministry’

NEW ORLEANS (BP)–The 2008 Baptist Church Music Conference -– with “Rebuilding the Wall: Reclaiming Music as Ministry” as its theme –- focused not just on music’s place in a worship service. “In the next two and one-half days, we want to be reminded what it means to minister through music in order to accomplish the […]

In N.O., Stetzer explains emerging church

NEW ORLEANS (BP)–The best way to understand the “emerging church” is to approach the movement from a missiological perspective, Ed Stetzer told a Baptist College Partnership meeting at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. The emerging church movement, much like postmodernism, has proven too diverse for easy definition, with participants scattered along a lengthy continuum, said […]

Prof lends hand to martyrs documentary

NEW ORLEANS (BP)–Most doctoral students dream of seeing their dissertation in print. Rex Butler, associate professor of church history and patristics at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, has seen that dream realized. In 2006, the Catholic University of America Press published his doctoral study of the deaths of early Christian martyrs Perpetua and Felicitas. But […]