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Bible Study: God fulfills His promises

NASHVILLE (BP) – This weekly Bible study appears in Baptist Press in a partnership with Lifeway Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Through its Leadership and Adult Publishing team, Lifeway publishes Sunday School curricula and additional resources for all age groups.

This week’s Bible study is adapted from The Gospel Project curriculum.

Bible passage: Luke 24

Discussion Questions:

  • How do we help others (or ourselves) when we face doubts about God or His Word?
  • How can studying God’s fulfilled promises in the Bible strengthen your faith even today?
  • What words or actions this week have revealed that you are a witness to Jesus our Lord?

Food for Thought:

Luke 24 opens on resurrection morning with some women bringing spices for the body of Jesus, but they found the stone rolled away from His tomb and two gleaming angels instead. The mourning women were terrified, but Jesus had risen, just as He had said! The women ran to tell the disciples, who thought the women were out of their minds, but Peter went to see and found the open tomb, just as they had said.

That same day, two disciples heading to Emmaus encountered a stranger who seemed to be completely unaware of Jesus and His tragic death. With sadness and confusion, they recounted the happenings of the previous few days for the stranger, including Jesus’s powerful ministry, His crucifixion, and rumors of His resurrection. The stranger then responded that the disciples were foolish for not believing all that God had said. It was all there, from the Law to the Prophets, the whole of the Old Testament Scriptures. God had been foretelling about these days and hours for centuries, but it took God the Son opening their eyes to the Christ in the Scriptures and resurrected in the flesh before them.

Those disciples raced back to Jerusalem to share what they had seen and heard, and they found that their testimony was not unique. Jesus had begun appearing to His disciples to confirm that He was alive and had defeated sin and death. Now the testimony of the disciples and Jesus’s followers has come down to us in the New Testament for us to read, hear, and believe. And for those of us who have believed, this is good news to share with even more so they too may hear and believe the Gospel, just as it has been said.

The Gospel Project is a chronological, Christ-centered study for kids, students and adults. The Bible is not a collection of stories. It is one story of God’s plan to rescue His people from sin and death. It is the story of redemption, the gospel message of Jesus Christ. More information can be found at Lifeway.com/gospelproject.

    About the Author

  • Staff/Lifeway Christian Resources