News Articles

Bible Study: Honor God in daily life

NASHVILLE (BP) – This weekly Bible study appears in Baptist Press in a partnership with LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Through its Leadership and Adult Publishing team, LifeWay publishes Sunday School curricula and additional resources for all age groups.

This week’s Bible study is adapted from the Bible Studies For Life curriculum.

Bible Passage: Exodus 20:7-11; Psalm 145:1-7

Discussion Questions:

  • What are some ways we might dishonor or make light of God’s name?
  • What are some ways we can give honor to God’s name?
  • What has God done in your life that is worth sharing with others?

Food for Thought:

We know all about honor and worship because we do it all the time. Football fans show both honor and devotion through their conduct and commitment. A football game involves roughly only 17 minutes of actual action. Although the typical game is as long as three hours, when you remove huddles, getting back to the line of scrimmage, and other things that take place during the game, you’re left with around 17 minutes of actual plays being run.

But have you ever heard a football fan complain that the game went too long? Probably not, because when we love and value something, we willingly commit our time to it.

Translate that willingness and enthusiasm over to our spiritual lives and matters like church attendance, personal Bible study or prayer. Too many of us are satisfied with a quick five-minute devotion and short prayer. The Ten Commandments call us to honor God, but are we doing that?

We find biblical instruction for honoring God in Exodus 20:7-11 and Psalm 145: 1-7. These passages teach us to honor God in our day-to-day activities. Honoring God isn’t a responsibility reserved just for Sunday. There are countless ways we offer our deep respect and reverence for God. Here are just three:

  • We are to honor God’s name and everything about Him;
  • We are to honor God through our worship; and
  • We are to honor God through our testimony and actions.

What we say is important, but we also know “talk is cheap.” What gives our words value is how we back them up by our behavior and actions. Our walk with God is more than telling people what we believe about Him; our devotion to Him is seen in our words, worship and other acts. Our words and our actions go hand in hand.

Bible Studies for Life

Bible Studies for Life connects the Bible to life for adults, students and kids. Bible Studies for Life helps individuals and groups know God’s Word through trustworthy content, creates biblical community through engaging and conversational group studies, and helps people engage the culture missionally by unpacking what the Bible says about real-life issues. More information can be found on the internet at biblestudiesforlife.com.

Other ongoing Bible study options for all ages offered by LifeWay can be found at LifeWay.com/SundaySchool or ordered at LifeWay Christian Stores.