GREENSBORO, N.C. (BP)–Glen Kreun, executive pastor at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, Calif., received June 14 Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary’s 2006 Distinguished Alumni Award during the Seminary’s Alumni and Friends Luncheon, held in conjunction with the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting.
Kreun graduated from Golden Gate Seminary in 1981 with a master’s degree in religious education. In less than two years, he was asked to become the young church’s second staff member as its minister of education and administration. For the past 23 years, Kreun has been involved in developing the structure, organization, staff and programs of the church.
Currently, Saddleback Church has more than 200 ministries serving the church and community and more than 20,000 in attendance on Sunday. One in nine people in the area consider Saddleback their church home.
“This award celebrates the seminary’s heroes, and Glen Kreun’s life and ministry is an amazing example of the best of our graduates,” Golden Gate Seminary President Jeff Iorg told the 110 alumni, students and friends in attendance. “We are proud to call you a Golden Gate alumni and to celebrate your ministry through this award.”
Kreun was instrumental in establishing Golden Gate Seminary’s campus at Saddleback Church. Founded in 1999, the campus has enrolled 125 students and graduated 30 students
The seminary grants the Distinguished Alumni Award to those who have demonstrated the ideals of effectiveness in ministry as expressed in the seminary mission statement.
Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary is a Cooperative Program ministry of the Southern Baptist Convention and operates five campuses — in Northern California, Southern California, the Pacific Northwest, Arizona and Colorado.