INDIANAPOLIS (BP)–“Evangelistic Victory” will be the theme of Hispanic events June 7-9 in conjunction with Southern Baptist Convention’s annual meeting in Indianapolis.
Local Baptist associations, the State Convention of Baptists in Indiana, the North American Mission Board and the National Fellowship of Hispanic Churches are working with Indianapolis-area Hispanic churches to make an impact in local communities for the Gospel. Of the nearly 1 million people in the greater Indianapolis area, an estimated 150,000 are Hispanic.
From May 31 to June 8 at least six Hispanic churches are scheduled to hold revival meetings.
On June 7, all Hispanic churches, SBC messengers and visitors have been challenged to participate in the Crossover evangelistic activities throughout the morning and afternoon (see www.indybaptists.org).
The Hispanic evangelistic emphasis will culminate Saturday evening when the Hispanic churches and visitors will gather to celebrate a “Great Night of Evangelistic Victory.” A church location for the gathering has not yet been selected. (Visit www.confraternidad.net for further updates.)
“We are very happy with the support and planning that has been demonstrated by the local church and associational leaders,” noted Augusto Valverde, president of the National Hispanic Fellowship of Churches and pastor of the Iglesia Bautista Resurrección in Miami.
“We need to celebrate the victory of Jesus,” Valverde said, “by gaining victories in evangelism and ministry in this growing urban center with a burgeoning Hispanic population.” Baptists need to be challenged “to run this race with patience but with the aim of victory always in sight,” he said, noting that “every soul won to Jesus is a victory to celebrate.”
On Sunday, June 8, Hispanic churches in the Indianapolis area will welcome SBC messengers and guests to their worship services. At 2 p.m., the National Hispanic Fellowship will convene for its annual administrative meeting at a yet-to-be determined church location.
No Hispanic-related events have been planned for Sunday night so that all Hispanic pastors, leaders and church members can participate in the SBC Pastors’ Conference.
On Monday, June 9, members of the national Hispanic fellowship will meet in the SBC prayer room for a time of prayer for the SBC, missionaries, pastors and messengers to the annual meeting.
David Raul Lema Jr. is director of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary’s Center for the Americas in Miami and a correspondent for Baptist Press.