News Articles

Hits on LifeWay website top 10 million in quarter

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)–The Internet websites of LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention received more than 10 million hits during the first quarter of 1999, the agency’s webmaster, David Haywood, reported.
The number of people accessing the LifeWay sites at www.lifeway.com, he said, “has grown steadily since it was opened in October 1996. This has been due to the ongoing addition of LifeWay sites linked from the main address as well as the increase in the number of individuals and churches with Internet access.”
Sites offered by LifeWay provide resources for Sunday school for adults, youth, children and preschool, including “EXTRA! Teaching Helps;” Centrifuge, Christian Growth Study Plan, Christian Single magazine; CrossSeekers; Crosspoint; discipleship; True Love Waits; Vacation Bible School; and Broadman & Holman Publishers.
Other related sites provide general information about LifeWay; news, including an on-line version of the agency’s Facts & Trends journal; a listing of conferences; Southern Baptist statistics; employment opportunities at LifeWay; frequently asked questions; and daily devotions based on the “Experiencing God” calendar, published by Broadman & Holman.
Additionally, an on-line LifeWay Christian Store offers a wide range of products, which may be ordered electronically. A separate area offers on-line ordering of church literature and other resources from LifeWay Church Resources.
“Approximately 1,800 orders were received in the first quarter of 1999 by LifeWay Christian Stores,” Haywood said, “and more than 14,000 Internet orders were received for the spring ‘99 curriculum. April and May orders for the store total almost 1,300, and almost 15,000 Internet orders have already been received for summer curriculum.”
LifeWay Church Resources’ fall 1999 dated order form is now available on-line, with new features added to complete the ordering experience. In addition to placing an order, people may view recent orders, check the status of an order, track the location of an order shipped by UPS and view invoices and account financial activity.
“These newest improvements provide access to account financial history,” he said. “Persons may search for paid and unpaid financial transactions or review specific invoices, credit memos or checks.”
An “Outstanding Balance Calculator” is provided to assist in reconciling account balances. Most LifeWay invoices or credit memos on a church’s account, including LifeWay Christian Store invoices or credit memos, may be viewed, and only those with access to the church’s account and PIN number will be able to view a church’s private information.
LifeWay’s site also provides links to the sites of other Southern Baptist entities, including the SBC Executive Committee, Baptist Press, other boards and agencies, seminaries, state conventions, colleges and schools, the Southern Baptist Historical Library and Archives and the Baptist World Alliance.
A PIN number for ordering purposes may be requested at http://www.lifeway.com/signup.

    About the Author

  • Charles Willis