LOUISVILLE, Ky. (BP)–The 2009 SBC Ministers’ Wives Luncheon will begin at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, June 23, at the Kentucky Exposition Center in Louisville, Ky. The program will focus on the theme, “Quiet Influence: The Romans 12:1 Woman.”
Based on a passage of Scripture that urges believers “to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship,” the luncheon is designed to encourage and inspire women by showing how great women of the Bible and church history have made an impact on people’s lives by exerting quiet influence, said Diane Strack, president of the group.
The luncheon, in Rooms South B101-105 of the exposition center, will give ministers’ wives an opportunity to hear real experiences and stories about how other ministers’ wives have faced struggles and found God carried them through, Strack said.
“You can gain so much from hearing somebody say, ‘I went through breast cancer and God’s brought me through it’ or ‘My son walked away from the Lord and as a pastor’s wife that was the hardest thing I ever went through,'” Strack said. “That’s powerful for a woman who’s out there struggling. We want to give ministers’ wives a sense of understanding that, no matter what their situation, God can use you in people’s lives, year after year and generation after generation, when you present yourself to Him in holy surrender.”
Every attendee will receive the gift of a study guide for the “Quiet Influence” Bible study, which includes chapters by Debbie Brunson, Jeana Floyd, Donna Gaines, Susie Hawkins and Lisa Young, as well as Strack.
In addition to the authors giving a preview of the Bible study, the program also will feature a segment called “The View from the Pew” in which the panelists will relive some of their most embarrassing ministry moments. “We think that will be fun,” Strack said, “helping other ministers wives understand that you can make mistakes and still live on.”
A new feature for this year’s luncheon will be the Women’s Expo both before and after the luncheon, Strack said. The doors to that event will open at 11 a.m. and will feature resources for women’s ministry and personal growth. More than 1,000 gifts ranging in value from $40 to $350 will be given away to Expo participants, including weekend retreats for couples, DVD group study kits and study Bibles. In addition, every luncheon participant will receive a Romans 12:1 gift bag.
For more information about the program or to purchase a ticket, go to www.dianestrack.com.
Compiled by Baptist Press assistant editor Mark Kelly.