News Articles

Motion commends review of racial reconciliation

COLUMBUS, Ohio (BP) — Messengers proposed 10 motions during the Southern Baptist Convention’s June 16-17 annual meeting. All but one were referred to SBC entities or ruled out of order.

By a show of ballots, messengers approved a motion by Alan Cross from Gateway Baptist Church in Montgomery, Ala., that messengers commend the SBC Executive Committee’s “Review of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Progress on Racial Reconciliation, 1995-2015.” The EC review was published in the SBC Daily Bulletin, Part 2, during the annual meeting and it can be accessed through the free SBC app at the iPhone, iPad and Android app stores.

Messengers also voted by a show of ballots to refer two motions to the SBC Executive Committee for consideration and to be reported on during the 2016 annual meeting in St. Louis:

— A motion by Steve Bailey of Calvary Baptist Church, Osceola, Ark., for the SBC to amend its bylaws to require that those who nominate SBC officers report the percentage of funds given to the Cooperative Program by the nominee’s church.

— A motion by Tim Barnette of Faith Baptist Church in Faith, N.C., requesting that the SBC amend its bylaws to enable messengers to hear from those nominated to serve as SBC officers.

Three other motions were automatically referred to SBC entities for consideration, as directed by SBC bylaws:

— A motion by Ben Chandler of First Baptist Church, Ashville, Ala., that the EC and all SBC entities take a “stand in our culture for the truth and lead the way to repair the moral fabric of America, by using all means possible, including the media.” The motion was referred to the Executive Committee and all SBC entities.

— A motion by Leroy Cole of Bethany Baptist Church, Andalusia, Ala., that a shuttle service be provided for messengers to the SBC annual meeting and that the SBC president survey messengers as to whether they would use such a service. The motion was referred to the EC.

— A motion by Jason Lozier and Chad Stebelton of First Baptist Church, Ashville, Ohio, that the SBC establish a program to help churches and associations start or improve men’s ministries both nationally and globally. The motion was referred to LifeWay Christian Resources.

Four motions were ruled out of order:

— A motion by Wiley Drake of First Southern Baptist Church and Messianic Fellowship in Buena Park, Calif., to ask SBC President Ronnie Floyd to run for president of the United States in the 2016 election, ruled out of order because it “is outside the scope of the convention’s affairs and can violate the convention’s tax-exempt status.”

— Another motion by Drake requesting that Floyd verbalize a particular prayer promoted by the Family Research Council, a pro-family group based in Washington, D.C., ruled out of order because it “is outside the convention’s authority to interfere with the language of anyone’s personal prayer.”

— A motion by David Roberts of Sunrise Baptist Church, Midland, Mich., that the North American Mission Board, the International Mission Board and LifeWay Christian Resources find a way to financially support Southern Baptist campus ministers. The motion was ruled as out of order because it directed, rather than requested, an action by SBC entities.

— A motion by Mike Scott of Faith Baptist Church, Iron Station, N.C., calling Southern Baptists to boycott Zondervan and Thomas Nelson publishers because they are owned by Harper Collins. Scott noted that Harper Collins published such books as a “Satanic Bible” and “The Joy of Gay Sex.” The motion was ruled as out of order because it was in the form of a resolution and was not submitted to the SBC Resolutions Committee.

    About the Author

  • Benjamin Hawkins