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SBC DIGEST: Annual Meeting videos online; Black church week registration open

2024 SBC Annual Meeting and Pastors’ Conference videos available online

BP Staff

NASHVILLE (BP) — Video recordings from last week’s SBC Annual Meeting and Pastors’ Conference are available to watch online through both YouTube and the Baptist Press app.

Hosted on the Baptist Press YouTube page, sessions from the 2024 Annual Meeting held in Indianapolis include chapters pointing to each section of business. The timestamps make it easy for viewers to find important parts of the meeting from each session of the event.

Also included are the worship sets for each session with Charles Billingsley leading during the Pastors’ Conference and Joe Crider leading music for the Annual Meeting.

Black church leadership conference July 22-26 at Ridgecrest

By Diana Chandler

RIDGECREST, N.C. (BP) – Practical tools and fresh ideas for ministry are promised at the 31st annual Black Church Leadership and Family Conference July 22-26 at Ridgecrest Conference Center.

Nearly 100 training and development sessions in more than 20 ministry areas are scheduled, with nightly worship, daily Bible study, lively worship, recreation and rest also on tap, according to Mark Croston, conference convener and national director of Black Church Ministries for Lifeway Christian Resources.

“Things keep changing, and churches are continually challenged to find success in each new paradigm. I believe that God is calling each of our ministries to new levels of strategy, innovation, and creativity,” Croston said in promotional materials. “I work with pastors and churches across the country, and I can feel a shift towards dynamic growth and development happening within the body of Christ.”

Fuge camps and other activities are scheduled for youth and children.

“It feels like a family reunion. This is the one conference where you don’t have to leave your family at home,” Croston said. “There is something for every age and every ministry in your church. Come to the mountains and allow God to speak to you in a fresh new way.”

Scheduled to preach evening sermons June 22-25 are, respectively, Gregory Perkins, lead pastor of The View Church in Menifee, Calif.; J.J. Washington, North American Mission Board national director of personal evangelism; Johnnie Bradley, senior pastor of Shiloh Baptist Church in Dallas; and D.Z. Cofield, senior pastor of Good Hope Missionary Church in Houston.

Additional speakers in the conference line-up, for daily Bible study and women’s and men’s sessions include Brian Carmichael, director of the Accelerated Urban Pastoral Ministries Program at Union University’s Memphis College of Urban and Theological Studies; Chris Waters, senior pastor of Greenforest Community Baptist Church in Decatur, Ga.; Brian Kennedy, associate professor of preaching at Gateway Seminary; and Ryan Rice, founding pastor of Connect Church in New Orleans.

Barbara Danforth, CEO of Barbara Danforth Consulting, and Brenda Croston, women’s ministry leader at Mount Gilead Missionary Baptist Church in Nashville, will lead Womam2Woman sessions June 23 and 24. Steven Beckham, senior pastor of First Community Antioch Baptist Church in Lutcher, La.; and Kevin James, senior pastor of New Community Bible Fellowship in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, will lead Man2Man sessions.

“Thrive” is the conference theme, based on Psalm 92:12-15.

Registration is available at

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