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Stories of sports figures headline Broadman & Holman March releases

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)–Eleven books, including a collection of inspirational stories of sports figures, are scheduled for release in March by Broadman & Holman, the trade publishing division of LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention.

General nonfiction:

— “Heart of a Champion” by Steve Riach and John Humphries with commentaries on each chapter from Clark Kellogg, an inspirational collection of commentaries, anecdotes and profiles illustrating the strength of character and faith in today’s world of sports and athletics.

— “We Remember C.S. Lewis” by David Graham, a collection of essays and memoirs illustrating the breadth of influence upon today’s leading evangelical writers of a man some have called the 20th century’s greatest Christian apologist.

— “Why Celebrate Easter?” by Steve Russo. The author brings readers back to the heart of Easter, the resurrection of Jesus, placing the focus where it belongs — not on chocolate bunnies, decorated baskets and egg hunts.

— “In the Shadow of the Cross” by Ray Pritchard. The author takes a fresh look at the deeper meaning of the cross and examines: What the Cross Meant to God; What the Cross Meant to Jesus; and What the Cross Meant to Satan.

— “God the Enough” and “Prayer the Greatest Power” by Selwyn Huges, two devotional books that contain the messages God is all we need and prayer plays a powerful role in the Christian life.

— “Up with Worship, Revised and Updated” by Anne Ortlund, a revised and updated book that gives “how-to” instructions for worship elements like the prelude, ambience, using praise songs and hymns as well as special music, prayer, announcements, the sacraments and preaching.

— “The Performance Factor” by Pat MacMillan discusses the characteristics of a high-performance team and how to implement a new paradigm of leadership to lead any organization to greater efficiency.


— “Interpreting the New Testament: Essays on Methods & Issues” by David Alan Black and David S. Dockery, essays on current issues and methods with the purpose of enhancing New Testament interpretation, teaching and preaching.

— “A Faith for All Seasons” by Ted M. Dorman, a revised and updated textbook that introduces and explains the classic doctrines of the historic Christian faith.


— “Cast a Road Before Me” by Brandilyn Collins. When Jessie’s mother is killed in a tragic car accident, Jessie goes to live with her aunt and uncle in the tiny town of Bradleyville, Ky. Jessie lives her life seeking the affirmation she feels her mother never found.

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