WASHINGTON (BP)–As the United Nations Millennium Summit continues in New York, conservatives in Washington are increasing their calls for the United States to withdraw from the world body, the CNSNews.com Internet news site reported Sept. 7.
In a press conference on Capitol Hill Sept. 6, supporters of H.R. 1146, the American Sovereignty Restoration Act, presented more than 300,000 signed petitions in favor of the measure, which calls for the United States to cut its ties to the U.N.
“We are putting a bright spotlight on those in Congress who don’t support national sovereignty. And we’ve brought more than 300,000 signed petitions to show Congress that the American people want their sovereignty protected,” said Tom DeWeese, president of the American Policy Center, which organized the drive.
DeWeese said recent proposals to eliminate permanent veto power in the U.N. Security Council, to create international rapid response forces and to create an International Criminal Court point to a U.N. that is increasingly taking on the role of a world government.
“Obviously its focus is changing from its original purpose to be a place where nations can come together to discuss their differences,” DeWeese said. “Clearly the United Nations is on a different track.”
DeWeese’s comments were echoed by Herb Titus, an attorney who wrote the legislation.
“What we’ve seen in New York is the unanimous mandate by world leaders and heads of state to go ahead and implement an agenda for global governance,” said Titus, referring to the Millennium Summit being held at the United Nations headquarters.
Rep. Ron Paul, R.Texas, also was on hand at the news conference to promote a recently introduced bill he has co-sponsored that would prohibit U.S. soldiers from serving under U.N. command or wearing U.N. insignias or uniforms.
“U.S. soldiers sign up to defend the interests of the United States,” Paul said. “They should not be required to take orders from any nation or body except duly appointed representatives of the American people.”
Meanwhile, at the Millennium Summit, international pop star Bono from the band U2 presented U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan with 21.2 million signatures on a petition calling for $350 billion of third world debt relief.
“The only thing that is standing in the way of forgiving this debt is bureaucracy and red tape,” Bono said. “Show us the money!”
Annan told a luncheon of foreign leaders assembled for the summit that the meeting was “on the right track.”
“Never have so many heads of state and government been in the same room at the same time,” Annan said. “As we break a new record [for attendance], I trust we will not sound to the world like a broken record, stuck in the same groove.”
Torres is a senior staff writer with CNSNews.com. Used by permission.